I had a very tiring day yesterday coz I worked until 1am. (Which I have been doing that for 2 months now.) T_T
My boss asked me to go to her house so that we could hold a conference call with Hubbard (our buyer from NY) regarding the trade direct orders that remains unshipped. I never thought that the night would turn out great.
Anyway, before she let me go she asked me if I really want to go to Korea. She's leaving on the 28th to accompany her husband in a business meeting with Green Cross Corp and said she'd take me with her. I turned it down because of the current mess that the Dong Bang boys are in versus SM. What's the point of going there if I couldn't see them perform at least in a tv show or somewhere.
I said that if I have the dough, I'd rather go to Shenzen to see their concert on November 21st. Without blinking an eye she told me to go, that it's her treat, my bonus. God, I felt so elated. I thought I'm going to lose my sanity with excitement. She asked me to inquire for the tickets and plane fare.
Straight out from the elavator I texted
woopidolove and asked if she's still up. Of course that's no brainer...this gal is an insomniac like me. When she replied I immediately relayed the good news. It turned out that she's going too and that Celine will be arranging the trip.
I am so happy...everything is falling into place. I never imagined that this will be my reward for working like a horse for the past 2 months.
Even my cardiologist have nothing but good news for me last Monday. Dr. Anonuevo finally had the chance to read my lab tests and said that everything is okay but I have to continue the maintenace meds for my blood pressure. He still asked me to go through 2 tests, the Echocardiogram (2D Echo) and the Treadmill stress test. The latter was scheduled for today but I slept through it. Well, I'd just set that for another date.
God, I still can't believe it. I'm going to see my darling Jae again.