just because people dont comment does not mean that people dont read it. and that entry is going to discourage alot of people because of the self-centeredness that you find in that entry..... but hey it is a responce just like you wanted.
Just because people dont comment doesnt mean they're not reading it. I mean, I hardly ever get comments but I know my friends are reading it because they'll know about something that I wrote about but hadn't talked about yet. You should have this journal mostly for your benefit anyway :)
I'd rather be a non-corforming bastard than a zombie who can't think for themselves, because the in-crowd does it for them. THAT'S losing your identity ~Alyssa Being someone you're not is a waste of who you are. ~ Davey Havoc (AFI)
P.S. I also think that you should not quit writing in journal because your friends don't comment. It should be for you and only you. I never get comments on mine, and I say some of the nastiest, most violent shit I can come up with. Even that doesn't get people to comment on my journal. Honestly, I have had like one comment for every 40 entries I have written. ( http://www.blurty.com/satanskitty6922 ) Just thought that I would share that.
Comments 4
i mean really, think of all your international fans josh. ;)
P.S. I also think that you should not quit writing in journal because your friends don't comment. It should be for you and only you. I never get comments on mine, and I say some of the nastiest, most violent shit I can come up with. Even that doesn't get people to comment on my journal. Honestly, I have had like one comment for every 40 entries I have written. ( http://www.blurty.com/satanskitty6922 ) Just thought that I would share that.
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