Title: Friday Nights (Or When Yunho Finally Confronts Jaejoong He Needs Him That Way)
Couple: Yunho/Jaejoong
Genre: Crack
Rating: PG-13
Summary: “We’re grown-up men, Yunho. We can talk about our perverted feels.”
Friday Nights (Or When Yunho Finally Confronts He Needs Jaejoong That Way)
The couple lay on the couch, as the always spent their Friday evening like that; doing nothing more than watching TV, chatting and overall being mushy mushy with each other. Jaejoong lay on Yunho’s chest, playing with his boyfriend’s hands. “Your hands are really lovely,” Jaejoong commented during the commercial break. A re-run of Postman to Heaven was being aired on TV and they were into half of the movie, the bowl of popcorn already empty on the table. “Your fingers are also so slim and pretty…”
“These hands can do lots of things, you know,” Yunho whispered into Jaejoong’s ear. “And these fingers are so skilled…” He leered at Jaejoong who chuckled in return, albeit totally oblivious of the sexual context.
“Indeed, Yunho-yah, but it’s such a loss you don’t cook that often… You should make better use of them!”
Yunho stared at the ceiling with a blank expression on his face. That was how it always went. He tried to make R-rated comments, hoping his lover would finally catch on, but Jaejoong would throw him off by a totally innocent remark as usual. Yunho was tired of it, so tired… He let out a sigh, making Jaejoong turn his head towards him. “What’s wrong, Yunnie? Is something the matter?”
“You know… We’ve been together for quite a long time, Jae…”
“Yes, we’ve been,” Jaejoong said with a happy smile, shifting against Yunho’s side so he could look at him more closely. He dreamily stared at his boyfriend who was so handsome. He was perfect in all ways. Jaejoong didn’t know why he deserved such a perfect lover.
“So…” Yunho coughed nervously. “Ever wondered why we’ve done it only twice?”
“We did what twice?” Jaejoong blinked his eyes a few times, confused by the vague question.
“Had sex.”
“Do you crave it, then?” Jaejoong asked bluntly.
“Well, yeah, of course, I do.”
“Then why didn’t you tell me?”
“Jaejoong…” Yunho let out a deep sigh. “I’m actually pretty tired of our relationship at the moment.” His boyfriend gasped and scrambled away from him, sitting at the very end of the couch, almost falling over the arm rest. “Maybe we should stay away from each other for a little while…”
“Why?!” Jaejoong shrieked.
“Jaejoong, you turn me crazy… When I’m with you, you make me want you so fucking much, but you won’t grand me my wishes to love you like that.”
“But I didn’t know you had these needs, Yunho! You should have told me!”
“Of course, I have these needs, Jae! We’re nineteen for God’s sake!”
“I just didn’t know you were this desperate! We’re adults, Yunho. You could have made me sit down with you so we could talk this through and do something about it.”
“There’s nothing to talk about, Jae. Ever heard the proverb: actions speak louder than words? I want to have you, Jae.”
“But you have me!” Jaejoong exclaimed while tears were already dropping down his cheeks.
Yunho paid no attention to the horrible sobbing state his boyfriend was in as he shouted, “No! This is what I mean! I want to have you in bed, fuck you into the mattress, make you scream and call out my name in pure delight when you release your sparkly man-seed!”
Jaejoong hiccupped. “My what?”
“Just… Never mind!” Yunho screamed.
“We’re grown-up men, Yunho. We can talk about our perverted feels.”
“No, we can’t!”
“If you refuse to participate in this conversation, then fine!” Jaejoong shrieked, tear drops scattering down on the couch. “God, you remind me of a foetus.”
“A foetus? I am a foetus?!” Yunho exclaimed, gaping at the sobbing form of his boyfriend. “Look at yourself, with your innocent Bambi-looking eyes and that cherry lip gloss you apply onto your lips every fucking second of the day! Oh, and then going like Yunnie, Yunnie with your lips thrust into a big pout, blowing imaginary bubbles like the goldfish you are! I’d do everything to- I mean for you and what do I get in return? Blue fucking balls!”
“Yunho…” Jaejoong gasped, another load of tears already brimming in his eyes.
Yunho’s chest went up and down, breathing heavily as his hands were clenched in fists at his sides. “I’m sorry… That was too much…” He turned around and began to stalk out of the room. Jaejoong jumped off the couch and quickly stopped Yunho from fleeing the scene. He hugged his boyfriend from behind, his nose rubbing against the fabric of the shirt, succeeding in wiping his nose and rubbing all his tears onto Yunho. “Yunnie… Please, come sit back… Let’s just watch the movie, ne?”
“I’m sorry, Jae… That was out of question.” Yunho turned around in the other one’s hold and hugged his boyfriend tightly. Minutes passed as they simply stood there until Jaejoong led them back to the couch in silence. Yunho’s heart sank as he took in the wet cheeks and red eyes. “And I made you cry, oh my God, Jaejoong, I am so fucking sorry.”
Jaejoong chuckled softly when his boyfriend wiped his cheeks and eyes dry. “You should have told me, really, Yunho-yah…” he whispered quietly.
“I should have… I’ve blown all my chances of having you, though…”
A mischievous glint in Jaejoong’s eyes was the only indication for the next comment as he breathed, “I should check whether your balls are really that blue.”
Yunho’s head shot up and he gaped at his boyfriend.
“Who’s the goldfishy now, huh?” Jaejoong teased and pinched Yunho’s cheeks.
“I really crave you now,” Yunho whispered, staring deeply into Jaejoong’s eyes.
As a gasp slipped past the pair of plump lips Jaejoong was thrown over Yunho’s shoulder.
Minutes later, Jaejoong’s very manly squeal was heard when Yunho bit down onto one of his nipples.
A/N: If you think this was serious..... I'll laugh. :3