Title: Flower Love
Couple: Yunho/Jaejoong
Genre: Angst, Drama, Historical AU, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Kim Jaejoong, a commoner of the Joseon Dynasty of Korea befriends Jung Yunho, the son of the head of the police enforcement. The friendship seems to be fragile to outsiders, but the two don’t falter as they enjoy each other’s company. That
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Comments 25
Thank you for commenting! ^^
Haha, I don't plan smut in this story, but it's PG-13, so there might be some borderline scenes ^^
They are just soo adorable!!! XD
Ive been waiting for an update~ i really love the innocence between the two of them. I cant wait to read the next chapter! :D
I'm sorry it took me quite a while, but well~~ I updated finally~ ^^
I like writing them too~ I prefer romance over smut :'3
just wanna sau that this was so romantiiiiiic....><
can,t they just call each other by name? without "shi" following behind...just look lil bit awkward i think..haha
thanks for update, bb...:*
Ah, yes, well I'm not familiar with Korean culture much, but with Japanese I am and it's very much that people call each other by their family names, so it's already pretty straight forward for Yunho to call Jaejoong by his given name. :) I don't want to rush it, so bare the awkwardness, please? :3
And thank you for commenting! <333
( ... )
Really really?? Omo that makes me so happy! \ O /
And your spots as wellll!!
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