Title: Kyu Min Chapter 2!
ratings: PG 13
warnings: Nah, I don't think so.
Sung Min was the best thing that ever occurred in Kyu Hyun's entire life.
Kyu Hyun loved his life.
He needed to thank his coffee addiction, because that coffee made Kyu Hyun's life change drastically.
Kyu Hyun was also the best thing that happened to Sung Min.
Sung Min
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Comments 4
Hmmm... :D
when I wrote that I was thinking how Sung Min was the one who always be the girl
so i was like, " YAY LETS SWITCH"
so yeah, XD Kyu is gonna crossdress XD
thanks for reading<3
I'll probably draw Kyu in a wedding dress if I have the time XDXD
it will come out soon :D:D!!
thanks for reading+commenting <3
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