Title: My Liquid Dreams- FULFILLED
Pairing: Yunho and Jaejoong (with a hint of Yoochun and Junsu)
Rating: NC-17
Genre: SMUT, Romance, Humor
Length: Series (2/?)
Summary: Yunho wants all his previous wet dreams to be fulfilled. And that’s that.
Chapter Two:Sizzling Hot On The Dance Floor )
Comments 56
Thanks to you, I am officially a spot of goo on the floor XD Now all my wishes have come true, Yun FINALLY GETS TO ASS POUND Jae in EVERY chapter XD I have to tell ya, I CANNOT wait until the doctor/nurse scene XD I swear its like a fantasy fetish of mine XD
Also...I CANNOT wait to rewrite this and have DBSK read it, That will be SO MUCH FUN XD
Anyway, I dont think you failed at the smut at all, you've still got it Bear-ah! I was nosebleeding the whole time XD
LOVE YOU *smooch*
aaaawww you're just saying that to make me feel better...i still think i need to practice more on it i dont think its as smutty as i want it to be :/
love you too! ^3^
No really I LOVVVVEEEEDDDD IIIIIIITTTTT!!!!!!!!!!Practice makes sure that you don't drop down and also makes you improve though practice will also mean that next time, I just might really die XD Not that I am complaining!
Love ya more =P
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Unfffff unffff unffff .. GOD the rest of the dreams are waaay hottier .. SHIT, are we going to have a smut-like-dream in every chapter *bounces up and down in excitement*
Loved the chapter .. It was sooo hot .. Man, jae loved it rough and yunnie must find out about his other kinks *teheee* .. Can't wait for more 8DDD
..this is chocorynne, btw. DD:
ahhh, sure i will! XDD
I was wondering what happened to you O.O
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