Failure at posting. Again.
ANYWAY, Anime Boston was fabulous, my roommates were badass and the panels were fantastic~ Oh mad science theme, you make me happy. I changed the every loving hell out of my Adorea though, it was just such a hassle, so she kinda turned into an OC by the end of it all. Oops? Didn't hit up a single main event, it just wasn't worth it and the cosplot was time travel and I read comics now and dear god, just no. @_@; There were...mishaps on the way back to school and it was not fun, but what can I say? The artist's alley is too fabulous and I totally bought fanart of Robins and Poison Ivy and Harley. And then there was Stein, and a fantastic clockwork/steampunk/pocket watch dragon. I also bought way too many keychains and an ocarina and Hellsing symbol earrings.
The Thursday right after there was a scavenger hunt with a random side prize of most outrageously dressed group. So my team went and did stereotypical boys. I was the gangster and there was an unnecessary amount of work put into it. Fake tattoos kinda work. But it was fun. There are pictures, but not all of them are uploaded yet.
Then the Saturday after AB was Boston Comic Con.
g33kischic , Emily and I roadtripped up to the nearest T station and hopped it into Boston for the con. Long line was long~ but the actual process of registration was easy as hell. "Here be cash, oh hey, sticker bracelet, you're in!" And not five feet into the con there was a group called the New England Ghostbusters and I freaked the hell out. They had EVERYTHING, like the proton packs that flashed, an EKG meter, the power grid for the containment grid, the traps, even a jar of the goo from the second movie. Gnee~ Took a photo with them in a heartbeat. The con itself was totally if an artist's alley and a dealer's room had a baby. I had fun and it's not even my scene really.
I'm almost done with my second year of college, classes picked for next year, and room draw's on Tuesday. Finals week is only a week away. ._.; Uh, let's not talk about that.
Re:Chain's done, KH2 second playthrough done, Apollo Justice done. I admit, the KH2 playthrough was not nearly as perfectionist as I usually do. I mean, I didn't max any levels out, didn't get the plus version of King and Queen, never bothered with Sephiroth, etc. And I picked up FFXII from home and started replaying a little, but then Comic Con came around and I bought FFVIII and I'm playing that instead. (Still nowhere!)
The weekend after BCC, Doug came over and we all made delicious food, watched the Digimon movie (on VHS thankyouverymuch), played a bit of FFXIII and hit up the science museum on Saturday. There was a Blockbuster run and we bought a ton of good movies for a buck apiece. Doug totally hit up Target for Advent Children on Blu-Ray and it was the most fabulous thing in the world. Bonus footage~ <3 I personally got a copy of Taking of Pelham123. (BTW, the Acceleracers movies I bought for my birthday came in and it was so geeky awesome, re-watching them.)
Finished the Percy Jackson series and it was pretty good. Emily told me about a book in the library called The Science of Sherlock Holmes and it's pretty awesome. It just goes through the history of forensics and its application in Sherlock Holmes. I'm not very far into it, but it's really interesting.
Oh hey! Wait, I totally caved and bought the Holmes and Watson doujin. It's pretty fabulous. <3 Kinda needed to be said.
The Performind Arts Concert is tonight and tomorrow. I so do not feel confident about the one-act play, but oh well we can't do anything about it now. I'm crossing my fingers that I don't trip and fall on stage. Dress for a costume, no glasses and a platform? Here's to hoping.
So I found Hanna is Not a Boy's Name awhile ago and read it. It's fantastic, but I didn't do my "OMG I'M OBSESSIVELY IN LOVE WITH YOU" thing yet. Um, yeah, the past week-ish has been the biggest Hanna-fest ever. <3 So, moodtheme change! Possible default icon change too. It's a pretty serious love affair. AND CHOOSING A MOOD IS HARD NOW, SO HERE'S CAS AND FIN.