"You see, in this world there is one awful thing, and that is that everyone has his reasons" -spoken by Jean Renoir in the role of Octave in the movie "The Rules of the Game
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harm vs. no harmstoopiderJanuary 21 2007, 19:35:38 UTC
If you substitute harm for bad and no harm for good then the subject becomes much easyer to anolize. Falow the corse of least harm in life and you will always be able to look your self in the mirore and like what you see. Not because you didn't hert those around you but because you put some efort and thought into doing the least harm. What dose and dose not do harm is a very deep subject, You can do youself harm by looking at it for too long.
You got an industrial? nice (I saw in the piercing community), you should take a picture of it. I thought at first you posted it here and was like, oh, all of her friends know about piercings, but then I noticed it was the community. tehee. Gl with the healing,, if you have questions you can ask me too.
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