It's raining again. Raining water, raining sand, raining blood, raining bodies. He's careful to avoid the bodies, but the sand, the water and the blood keep hitting him, stinging his skin, coating him, bathing him, even baptising him.
He walks along the field of facedown bodies that had dropped from the sky. One was a girl, short black hair, flat chest, wearing a strange type of black clothing. Close to her is a black-haired boy, bespetacled, wearing white. The next is another girl, more well-endowed than the first, with auburn hair that would have been sleek and shining, if she were still alive. Further on is a tall one, with dark skin, dark hair and a large physique almost like his own. Next is a redheaded male in the same clothing as the first female, battle-scarred, marked with tattoos. And at the very end is this boy, wearing the same clothing as the female and the redhead, with the strangest hair color he had ever seen, orange.
He rolls the boy over with his foot, exposing the face to the sky. Or what would have been a face. There is nothing there except a mask with an intricate design, and he cannot get it off, not matter how hard he tugs and pulls at it. He yanks in desperation, and crushes not only it, but the whole face as well. He looks at his hand, curious, watching the blood flow from his hands, taken away by rain, sand and more blood.
Going. And he watches with an almost insane fascination. Then, gone.