Dude, I watched so much last night my computer fan started making OMG TURN ME OFF NOW PLEASE KTNX noises...
So, first of all, they've all kind of blurred into one because I watched a few last night and a few the night before, so this is going to be like, a mish-mash of these episodes.
I think that episode 1 was the strongest episode so far. But I keep crying every time something about Vaughn pops up, or Syd has a quiet moment, like when she was sat in the rocking chair.
I had too OHHHHH moments: one when Sark arrived and one when it was Irina behind the curtain. I loved the Rachel/Sark thing! That has to iconed, I think I'm a Rachel/Sark shipper now. And Irina! OMG! Is she eval again? I think she was always eval though. Hmm. All will be revealed I suppose!
The new people, Rachel and Tom. I like it. I think that they made a mistake getting rid of Michael Vartan AND Greg Grunberg (I mean, who the heck am I supposed to ogle now?) but the two new people certainly fitted in well. The other one- Renee- is good too, although I have no idea why she's in the credits. Oh but she's not! They put Amy Acker in, which means she's going to die soon (because that's what they do and also because I think I read it somewhere). Her character is very good. Amy is such a good actress! I mean, there's not even shades of Fred OR Illyria there, it's a completely different character.
I like that Sydney is pregnant because Jennifer Garner was.
Although, why is she still going out into the field? Barmy.
OK I think that was it. Looking forward to the next few episodes!
Oh, and if you're here for the icons: