Woah! Family, love and writing and it's all the same really.

Aug 05, 2008 16:56

Back for a moment folks, the self emerges again. I don't know for how long so drink it up while you can, you spongebrain squarepants motherfuckers you.

The point is media,. Paying for media. The concept of media has not changed so much as excpanded in recent years. Essentially Media still means the original wordmeaningsense, a thing to carry data, whatever kind of thing, whatever kind of data. Used tro be papyrus, mulched paer wood leaves and berries the green, now electricity and radio and television, soon internet and home video andapple mac media suite Microsoft learning experience. Media is still just data, but there is so much more of it. Anyone can look and see, look at art, if they can acvcess the building, \wherein it is located. The only true media is the sensory faculties of our physical form. That is the only true source of data. This data is the world, everything , but also ourselves, which is everything. We see the world and love it for its realness and its sense.art is a cultural format. It is media on a Jungian level. Media as an attempt to communicate personal everythingness, sense data, personality, all things in self and poured onto paper, papyrus, radio, television, home computers. Filtered and poured onto the world and the world sops it up like a sponge. We are our senses, we are our media. Now, we are. The struggle over cxopyrigh and media rights, who owns what and how many times you can look at it, can you look at it?
Media is a data carrier. Data consists of codes. Modern data can be reduced to a string of zeroes and ones, you can represent $100 million in props, effects and overblown actors with a pen and paper, if you have the immortality required. And the understanding of those codes, the translation to a visual reality of oneself and in oneself. So copyright comes down to either data or the ability to extract meaning from data. So, just say I have an eidetic memory and the ability to speed read and the ability to speak extremely quickly and a hell of a lot of time, I can print out Terminator 2 and contain, within myself, my brain, my mind, indestructible or not, Christians? Eh? Is Jesus a trademark? So with my megabrainabilities I can breach copyright. I can dictate Terminator 2 to a computer with voice recognition, which can translate that data into viasual reality.
In this hypounlilkeythetical situation, where is the wr9ong? The breach? The hole in the wall of commerce which blocks us from free access to our own culture? It is not in the act of holding the data, as you hold data against your will, as soon as you have recei ed it. Your spongebrainsquarepants has soaked it up. A hypnotist could wring you dry.
Translation of data, that is the breach. The moment when one basic media, the code, becomes another basic media, visual or aural or sensual sucktastesmellmemoryofmangoes.
So we capture the translation process. We hide the codes in other codes. We croptograph, and morse it up, yo. No more instant data, you need the right apparatus!
Luckily Micvrosoft and Sony will sll you your tvs and computers and media players and xboxthreesixweees. The machine holds the key to the code! The media is obscured, covered ion lociked sand, the right key is in the machine, the machine, the machine.Apparatus, function, the translation.
What are these machines? They are cplastic, steel, carbon and copper fibres. Elements bound into form for our convreneince. Hardf to make, these machines. You can’t do it yourself. But wait! The machine itself is a medium! It is a physical and visual medium. It is a tactile medium. A blind craftsman could replicate the shape of it. An electrician with no nerves could understand it’s functioning, with a glance, and the knowledge of such things. So we can translate that sensual data into lans, ideas, we make our owbn! Suddenly Japanese Nintendo machines that are atually chinese mimgendo machines appear! They are the same, but different! They are slightly different codes, because that is the nature of datacodes, the same result can be arrived at by very different routes. Galaxies in grains of hand and coyright material in your hand. You see, the codes for the Nintendo game Mario media hve been translated into very slightly different datacodes on a different media (codecs too, are media you cunts, don’t try that one!).Now nnintendosoft’ssonic the halo is playing on your microsony pspmobile from china made by shipped in pihllipino workers. And all the data yearns.
Data. That is a primal concept. A genesis. An alpha with a side of epsilon, with what is surely a delicious omega for dessert.You see, we have something to look forward to! What it will be, well, our chefs hav ee ciooked up a delicious trerat! Millennia of culture arriving at what confectionsweet? Who knows! Imagine the possibilities! You know the best meal is one you have gropwn, [-icked, cooked and eaten yourself. We eat ourselves, in our lovely little minds, and we love it. We love the taste of it. It, each other. We love the tatste of each other. We love each other.
We love ourselves! Each other. We love the taste of ourselves, etc etc. What are we doing here? We’re swapping data. Data is the key, the seed, the overwhelming truth of usd, until we understand more.
Here we are, data in a physical medium. We are media. Media is us. This is reciprocal, no9 mattter, your sandcode obscuring.
So wehy are we bickering about ownership of data? People are in jail, the RiMpAAs love to lick our balls and clitorises in their aadvertising. They have a map right to our anii, for the special adulation that few receive. We give them our data, in media censuses, in market groups, in focus surveys. They love our data. They make new data from our data, and then they charge us for it. You have a life, apparently, and it is for something, or it isn’t, and if it isn’t, why is it? Not as in, can you tell me , please lord, our saviour, our redeemer, save us frforom uys ourselves, no, as in why don’t you just kill yourself, If your life is for nothing? Why, that delicious sense data of course! You can immerse yourself in the world, can’t you? Like an ocean, salty and middle eastern, Mediterranean, latinislamisraeliconflict seas. Lovely. You cabn get lost in those seas. Youu can feell yourself drifting away. The ocean draws you in. We love ouyr culture, because that is what we arew.
So they take our data, and their data, and make new data, which they sell to us, then we translatew that data into our own personal code. Ewe spreadthat code to each other, love each other’s love of it, repeat it to each other’s love of sense and perceptyion. Intercourse of the most intimate possible, despite the draw of vaginacock and genetic ties. Our most precious commerce, most precious perception, is each other, our joinging, the beauty in the dissonance of our beautiful waveforms, despite the jagged edges, which are only able to be viewed through a visual equaliser.
And then we feed it back to them. Not only through direct corporate requests for information, no!
You see, corporations are run by people! Why? Well, because, that’s the way it is. Corporations are large groups of people performing global scale actions, by joinging together and becoming something bigger. But is that what really happebns? We’re already part of something bigger, so the next level down, is the next level down, communicationwise.
However corporate cpaitliasim came about, it did, and here we are, post-9/11, as they say. So many people you ee, each individualselfs, each the lovely form of each otherspast, each others needing food and sustenance.
Taimes past we grew it or killed it in our minitribalcorps, monkeys chasing gazelles and cryiung in frustration, monkeys finding gazelles and eating delicio meats, then banding together to kill themsel;ves. Killing is irrelevant, we do it by living.
We grew and grew, like a happy little tree and suddenly we are each other, because you literally cannot get away from everyone else, and everyone else is you, because culture ios a medium and you are culture and you make culture and you consume culture. And you and I. And I and you I am you.
So successful, that we’rew all here! Somebody’s been fuckin!
We need food you see. And a roof, not tee shelter. We know what’s good for us! Sometimes.
So we need a system! Like all systems, ours evolved. Isn’t the Creator amazing! mOr unexistent!Does it matter?
It eveolved top ours. Our schools, our writing, our education. This is what is and this is what we do, young scamp, so fall in line! You see, we need to fall into line or els we can’t see each other! We don’t know where thr tribetroop is! What are the other monkeys doing? Are they Friend or Stranger?
So we are all here and need jobs, because nothing is free, you don’t grow your own anymore, we need our culture, our culture evolves, our culture is what we are, and we are at it’s beck. We grow our culture and feed off it for sustenance. But Our Animals need sustenance. Proteins. They grow n the soil but need tending. People, us, we need to do that. No-one else can! But we need our culture! We need people to make our culture and feed it to us! So some grow the food, and some make the culture, and everyone pays for everything they don’t do themselves.
But hang on, I make my culture, I mean our culture. Is it your culture? Wait, who are you again? Are you me? Are you you? What are we? Too deep, you’ve got a body, I can perceive it and receive your data, so you are at least in some way distinct, so forget about all that.
So corporations make culture. Corporations are groups of people performing functions which requires sustenance and producs a product so they perform functions like marketing, which make other functions of culture I mean humans want o “nbuy” their product which means they spend their life to make their life to spend their life ad infinauseam.
So the only real data is the data we make ourselves and can perceive and understand within ourselves, and connect wioth because it is like us. To make connections requires time or chance. Families fixed are time broken are chance. So to make instant culture, instant connection, we make families and live in trailer parks, Africa and ghettos. Because you want to know what the other monkeys are doing. If they are all doing what they are supposed to be doing, you will feel ok, you fucing aperimatemonkey. Even chimps have different cultures. Did you know that? Hate the Stranger, Love the Friend. Friend does same, Friend is me, I know Friend, rely on Friend, Trust Friend. Stranger is different. Do not know what Stranger will Do. Cannot predict. Etc, you ape.
So here, now, me and you, in real time, not this text crap. We are culture. We are society. We are The Humans, The Humanity, The Voters, The Populace, The Opiate Of Our Society. How high we are! Dude, I am totally tripping rght now. You too? Awesome dude. I’m seeing UFOs and you thin k you’re Jesus but fuck we’re human, we’re monkeys we are ourselves.
But we have to py for it now. Because capitalism evolved from our cultures, which may be geneticsa, but fuck that’s a way off, let’s see what we can do with available data, eh? Before identifying with the double helix lewt’s identify with ourselves for a second.
So many distractions, connotations, dissension.
Capitalism, money, commerce, trade. Marketing is great, it’s an attempt to quantify culture and put a price tag on it. Awesome! Now I have to pay for myself!
Because not all products are good! Untl they are, which they will be, once you’ve seen this ad. With its cute little bear. We love cute things, us. Or it’s wry self-aware humour, we know ourselves, us. And with all those people in their little cubicles, happily working in their troopcorporation\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\, to provide sustenance to themselves first and others later. They have genetics and family too, you see. Because they are us. No-one is doing anything to anyone but we’re assaulting each other constantly, I am.
And isan’ it great whenm you identify with an advertisement, when ou understand it. It connects with you. It bcomes your culture, because people like culture and make it, it is our function, culturedata, that’s what we do. We feel connected to something outdidseide ourslevesegos, we realise our collctivity in a global, species sense and we can’t get enough of it. Because of love, because we love ourselves, fuck pride, we love what we are because we are it which is us I am I YOU these are WORDS!
But ourselves and our families and genetics aren’t good enough any more! Because we’ve realised, perhaps our DNAimperagenes, that we are one big Family, that there are no Strangers, really, within our culture, just weird relatives like Uncle Phil who gets drunk (but his son died you see) or Cousin Jake who’s addicted to drugs (because of his abuse by a priest you see, he’s not the same as you, exactly, sucks to be him, huh? But you’re you, so no problem, right?) but they’re your’e fucking family, you chump! Fuck family, they’re Friends with a capital ARE YOU GETTING THIS MOTHERFUCKER?
You are just data that is all you are, forget your body, even though that’s the machine that functions to interpret data. Fuck your family, though they bore you and produced you and areyour closest culture. The only true Family, True Friends, are ourselves. And unfortunately or not, we are each other, so suck it up. Make your culture and spread it, hoefully it will spread due to its bvenficence, because data is the ionly god, the only saviour, the only world, the way, the truth and the only light you’ll ever fucking see.
We are data and we make it.
Perception is data and we take it.
Our thirst for it will never be slaked.
So drink of yourself
You are blessed
By me, which is you
Which I am.

© Jesse Hayward - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. But no, seriously, I gotta eat.
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