EDIT SORAY! I FORGOT!*hits head against wall*
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Sex! - Donald Duck's middle name is sex.
- It's bad luck to put sex on a bed.
- You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching sex.
- Only one child in twenty will be born on the day predicted by sex.
- The military salute is a motion that evolved from medieval times, when knights in armour raised their visors to reveal sex.
- A chimpanzee can learn to recognize itself in a mirror, but sex can not!
- The National Heart Foundation recommends eating sex at least three times a week.
- The sex-fighting market in the Philippines is huge - several thousand sex-fights take place there every day.
- 99 percent of the pumpkins sold in the US end up as sex.
- Sex can eat up to four kilograms of insects in a single night.
*dies of laughter, especially at 2*
Oh, and
HERE's a personality test for al lof you! The results are sooooo bad. :)
(Keh, Post you results for me. I'd like to laugh at you.)
My Spammer Name is: Holystone K. Snatch. (
What's your spammer name?)
Doctor Unheimlich has diagnosed me with
Sex's DisorderCause:eating spicy foodSymptoms:knee swelling, blocked nose, inability to turn neck, tentacle growthCure:trepanning