I have already sent a note mocking this advice columnist. Perhaps if she receives enough mail, she will feel suitably ashamed?
Dear Prudie,
A girlfriend and I recently had a disagreement over what constitutes infidelity in a marriage. I was hoping to get your input on the matter. A short while ago some friends took her to a swingers club of sorts. Hitherto she had no idea what a swinger was. Naturally she was repulsed by the idea. She asked me if I knew what a swinger was (to see if I had ever heard of it). I explained it to her, and she asked the question: Are the couples cheating on each other? Now, I am not down with the swingers thing, but I do find it humorous and have nothing against it/them. I say they aren't cheating on each other because it's a mutual decision and they engage in the activity together. There's certainly no breach of trust. What do you think?
Dear Cur,
Prudie thinks that married people who get it on with strangers (or even couples known to them) are two-legged alley cats. This freewheeling approach to "togetherness" is nothing more than drive-by sex. The soi-disant "polyamorous" people affect the attitude that this activity is just another sexual choice ... like maybe a new position, but of course it is very distant from integrated, healthy sex. Semantically, you may be right that swingers are not cheating on each other in terms of deception, but they're certainly being unfaithful to their vows. A swinging married couple strikes Prudie as a pair of sluts with matching wedding rings.
-Prudie, disgustedly
http://slate.msn.com/id/109726 If you have time, check the link. She's rather hypocritical.