
Aug 14, 2008 22:48

I should probably also take a moment to state, while I am in the blogging business, that I had a spectacular time with Jake this past tuesday and all of you other people missed out on some incredible Doujin action.

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Comments 2

bluthree August 15 2008, 12:01:22 UTC
Yeah, I had a blast hanging out with you guys. =) Rift in a Friendship was completely amazing, and I honestly need to get that blob-carrying game. I'd only played a bit of Advance Wars before, and it's never really been one of my favourites, but playing it multiplayer was a lot more fun so I'll have to practice up and we'll play through a whole battle sometime. Preferably on somewhat more balanced terms. =P


jaideam August 16 2008, 13:29:19 UTC
Indeed we will definitely have to play more Rift in a Friendship as well as Advance wars and the misc other doujin games I have. I also need to get you copies of Lucky Star because Konata is incredible and like a window into my secret soul...

Additionally I still need to endow you with games from my favourite genre as I promised previously - as usual I am off Sun - Wed night so ring me if you would like to do something.


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