Hi..we've never talked or met or anything, but I found you by common interests, and I don't want to be annoying but you listed Natalia Vodianova as an interest of yours, and I just created a community for her, so you can join if you wish. It's brand new and needs new members, so I'd really appreciate it! Sorry for being all "OMG LIKE JOIN MY COMMUNITY!!!" and if you're pissed off, please forgive me. ( follow the strange lj cut.. )
its mehreeen
March 18 2005, 16:13:47 UTC
hey ana dude u needa so post that thing u jus said about americans bein assholes n shit tis so damn true. ima use taht as my away message when im in a bitter mood if thas ok with you. ill give you the credit tho... no wrries! haha. damn dude today was so cold. well go to ammeridge some other time fa sho! hahaha. nice entry about nordstrom. hahaha his lil sexy mamma orange is one hot tangerine!
its mehreeeen
March 18 2005, 16:26:00 UTC
hey anaaaa haha. dude u so needa post that convo you had with saira about americans being selfish assholes. we are so selfish n we truly DONT give a shit about other nations... n were supposed ta be looked up to from every1... bullshit. id hate america if i wasnt livin here pretty well off you know? hahaha dude ur PIMPIN with nordstrom n his lil wifey. shes a hot tangerine! jeaaaaaa! haha ok this one BETTER post. nice lj ana. ttylll. -1-
Comments 3
Hi..we've never talked or met or anything, but I found you by common interests, and I don't want to be annoying but you listed Natalia Vodianova as an interest of yours, and I just created a community for her, so you can join if you wish. It's brand new and needs new members, so I'd really appreciate it! Sorry for being all "OMG LIKE JOIN MY COMMUNITY!!!" and if you're pissed off, please forgive me.
( follow the strange lj cut.. )
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