Sherlock 2x01

Jan 03, 2012 21:03

I was hoping this season of Sherlock would rekindle my interest in the fandom, but so far the only fic I want to see is the AU in which Irene survives not because Sherlock saves her as in that fairly appalling final scene, but because after she begs for her life and he leaves (a nice bit of playacting on her part that Sherlock never sees through), she renegotiates a new deal with Mycroft.

Her original list of demands was a gamble that rested on the success of her criminal scheme. Her backup list relies instead on her trading Mycroft the information she gleaned concerning Moriarty and his operations, after which she begins a new chapter in her life as a spy for Britain. Mycroft provides her with a certain amount of protection and a generous salary, and in exchange she is instrumental in bringing down Moriarty's criminal empire. Moriarty follows Sherlock to Reichenbach Falls not merely to punish him for thwarting certain of Moriarty's schemes, but because in the wake of Mycroft's and Irene's success, his position in England is far less secure.

After Moriarty's death, Sherlock discovers that Irene is alive (he saw through the witness protection program story, but concluded erroneously that Mycroft was hiding her death from him) and has been working for Mycroft these past several months. He also discovers that she's recently married Mycroft's assistant.

And that scene that caused Sherlock to conclude she was in love with him? Her pupils were dilated because the lighting was freaking dim, and her pulse was elevated because a successful con job is a rush.

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