My Profile Page (created 7-30-2009)

Nov 26, 2002 21:55

Live Journal Status: Active. This page was last edited at 10:25 AM CDT, on Saturday, September 29th, 2012.

Relationship Status: Happily Married to Anna (Tasharowan)

Children:: We're a child-free couple. I'm not overly kid-friendly but tolerate and accept well-parented children of friends and relatives.

Pets: We have three "fuzzy children". Two cats who are named are Kiki ("Hollow's Eve"), a Cymric (Manx), and Lucky ("You're lucky to be alive you damned fool cat"), a tawny American short hair. Both are rescued feral cats. Tasharowan won the argument over getting a dog and we now have a chocolate lab mix named Hershey. My pets over the years have included Cats, Dogs, Rabbits, Rodents, Birds, Snakes, Lizards, Turtles, Frogs, Salamanders, and Fish. This does not include the more than 80 species I've worked with on a professional level.

Live Journal Family: Moominmuppet (my elder sister) & Musicalchaos (my younger brother).

Who do I think I am: I think I'm a lot of things, like most people I'm a very diverse individual. I have lots of interests and ideas and a quirky personality, helped along with a diagnosis of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Depression. There are times, more often than not, where I'm strongly opinionated, highly argumentative, and unabashedly very knowledgeable. There are other times I'm a quiet, caring, kind, and loving listener and friend. I range from being very typical to very atypical, though almost always predictable (to those who know me even reasonably well). As a whole you'll find me very open, often to a fault, and honest. The quickest way to tick me off is actually to accuse me of lying, something I do very seldom. I'll talk about nearly any subject and provided we can be civil about it I'll accept rationally debated points of view. Coming at me with dogmatic or unsupported views tends to turn me into a nasty debating machine. This personality combination makes me a bit difficult to deal with at times, but on the whole my friends and family tolerate me pretty damned well and I love and respect them for it.

If I weren't human: It's the general principle behind all those memes that most of us have played with over the years. What are we most akin to? What do our personality traits, habits, and interests tell about us, and how are the best represented. Well, in my case I don't need a meme to determine this, I know full well what I would be if I weren't a human. I would be an Ent, one of the tree-herders from Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings", of that there is no question. It is even part of how I describe myself and have for years now. I'm a very earth bound person, grounded both in reality and time. My sense of both is very acute, and my feel for the earth is almost primal. Intellectually and emotionally I tend towards the very thoughtful, often pondering a great deal about past and present. While I am quick to shout stop, I am much slower to move into action. But my wrath when released is a fury and me “roused” is something few people have ever wanted to tangle with. I'm almost empathic with my natural skills, particularly in the field of husbandry, so much so that my father commented on it during our marriage counseling sessions. It is my nature to be a caregiver for those things which are a part of my life. It shows in my initial choices for my degrees and my behavior as a husband. I have a very aloof nature, and a stoic sense of logic and reason. Even my phobias are those which mirror that of my mythological image. I'm deathly afraid of having my feet off of the ground. Free-fall terrifies me, and jumping is something I'll never partake in willingly. Yet I'll happily trudge through swamps mired in quicksand and sucking mud. I even have a mild sense of claustrophobia in places where I can not stretch out. Finally my physical appearance does lend to the image, I am a heavy bearded man, long thick limbs with a solid unbending trunk. I don't carry the central mass as a more bearish man, with stockier features might, but I am for my size very dense and powerful. At my peak I was physically able to life entire couches by myself, and on one occasion life one over my head and threw it about twenty feet.

Pet Peeves: Too many to list as lots of things annoy me. Ignorance most of all, followed closely by fanaticism in all forms (notably fascism) though I personally find that the former breeds the later. Another, increasingly noted, pet peeve has become the habit of society, our government, and people in general to have severe double standards in regards to 'allowable' behavior.

Religious Affiliation: Secular Deist; formerly Anglican/Episcopalian

Post-Secondary Educational Background:
  • Earned an Associate of Science in Zoo Animal Technology from Santa Fe Community College.

  • Earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology (Concentration in Ecology and Environmental Science) from Jacksonville State University.

  • Earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Concentration in Accounting) from the University of Alabama in Huntsville.

    Professional Occupation: Legislative Auditor.

    Role Playing & Card Games: We have a sizable collection of various role playing materials. In my case I've played more games than I own materials for but this is a list of games which we have materials for.

    • Dungeons & Dragons - Basic and Expert Rules and a small selection of adventure modules.

    • Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Mostly consists of informational source material and classic adventures, almost no core books.

    • Advanced Dungeon's & Dragons, 2nd Edition - Nearly complete collection of every core and supplementary book, extensive collections of secondary materials for Ravenloft, Forgotten Realms, Al-Qadim, Birthright, Planescape, and Darksun.

    • Changeling: The Lost: I own the first nine books of this run (Changeling: The Lost, Autumn Nightmares, Winter Masques, Rites of Spring, Lords of Summer, The Equinox Road, Night Horrors: Grim Fears, Dancers in the Dusk, Swords at Dawn) by Whitewolf Publishing. I do not own either of the PDF products (The Fear-Maker's Promise, The Rose-Bride's Plight).

    • Pirates of the Spanish Main (RPG) - We have the core book which is a composite player and game master guide and several PDF files from the company. Nothing else seems to have been published.

    • Munchkin - We own the first seven decks for the "classic" game and the and the additional cards provided in the Munchkin Dice set. We also have the two Christmas packs. Our friends have collected most of the alternate decks. I also have won a couple of demo prizes including a number of bookmarks and some coins. We also have a single deck (a newer Christmas edition) that we use for small games.

    • Munchkin Bites - I've picked up both the initial deck and the expansion deck to have a smaller set to travel with than our rather large classic deck. We started playing this version with the local tournaments hosted at Tasharowan's employer.

    • Chez Geek - We have the initial deck and "Slack Attack" expansion. We still need "Block Party" to complete the set.

    • Tasharowan also has a very large collection of mostly Whitewolf games. This dominated by her Werewolf collection (Apocalypse, Forsaken, & Wild West), with assorted books from various other lines. Of these I only play Werewolf: The Wild West. She also has the board game adaption to the classic Munchkin card game called "Munchkin Quest" and it's expansion "Looking for Trouble."

    Ultimate Roleplaying Purity Score

    CategoryYour ScoreAverage
    Slew entire Asgardian Pantheon with one hand while blindfolded53.5%
    Sensitive Role-playing8.86%
    There is no player. There is only.... Zuul. 54.7%
    GM Experience10.14%
    World builder, storyteller... Master. 69.3%
    Systems Knowledge85.73%
    Played in a couple of campaigns 90.4%
    Livin' La Vida Dorka26.44%
    Carries dice in pocket 'just in case'63.3%
    You are 37.29% Pure; the Average Score is: 68.8%
    Take The Ultimate Role-playing Purity Test and see how you match up!

    (By The Ferrett)

    My Humor and Short Stories: (Friends Locked)

    Political Status: Actively Registered in Tennessee's 5th Congressional District.

    Political Affiliation: Leftist/Progressive Independent, leaning Democratic Socialist with a strong Libertarian streak.

    Favorite Political Quotes:
    • "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin

    • “You're entitled to your own opinions - but you're not entitled to your own facts.” - Senator Daniel Moynihan of New York

    • "When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny." -Thomas Jefferson

    • "To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." - Theodore Roosevelt

    Already a friend? See more about my political views here.

    About this Journal: My journal is a mostly friends-locked affair, only about 1% of my posts are open to the public. If you're on my list you'll see nearly all of what I have to say. A few posts are "personal", but generally those are about as common as a roc's teeth.

    Discloser: I will not discuss anything related to my professional work (i.e. the audits I preform) on this journal. I have no interest in violating various confidentiality laws and regulations, so don't ask. The most you're going to get is "Today's job went well / Today's job was stressful" response.

    My Friends: My friends, both here and in reality, are a diverse group. We've got a variety of views and opinions and for the most part do try and respect each other, even when we don't agree with each other.

    My Other Journals: I have a second Live Journal, eruditeviking, which hosts the communities I follow as well as the prolific annoying quizzes, videos, and links we're all prone to posting. (Baaa, meme sheepage.) I used that name to moderate the communities when necessary. Currently I am only moderating one commmunity, uah, which is my university's group. I created and ran grand_sumo_west, a community focused on Amateur and Professional Sumo Wrestling which was deleted in May of 2008.

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