The Purging
“What corruption is this!?” Inquisitor Sybath spoke sharply “how can these… abominations be allowed to live in a pure society? They must be purged.”
He made a motion with his hand, and three figures stepped of the shadows.
“Sergeant Zarax, Purge them,” Sybath spoke slowly, quietly to the man on his right, “let the flames of the emperor purify their body and souls.”
“Sir Yes Sir” said the old Imperial Guardsman, and as he spoke the tiny flame lit at the end of his heavy flamer. His bionic arm then pointed the mighty weapon at the group, and a second later the whole group was coated in a jet of white-hot fire. Death screams of 27 adult mutants and 14 younger mutants echoed off of the steel walls, then another motion from Sybath ended the flame as fast as it had started. Apart from the sound of reseeding flames, there was silence it was broken suddenly.
Sybath spoke “Barth, Demious” The other two stepped forward “check them, bring me any survivors”
Barth and Demious stepped into the groups remains and looked around for a few minutes in the end finding two survivors, both children. The first was burnt and on death row there was no saving this poor child, then Sybath dripped a single droplet of holy water on his head then ended his suffering with a single swing of his sword.
However the second child was strange it was unharmed in any way save a few singed hairs on his head, a test had to be taken on the child to prove his survival was not a fluke. Sybath un-holstered his Revolver and loaded a single blessed bullet into its chamber. Pointing the revolver at the child he fired and the shot was near instantly deflected by an invisible shield, the shot hit the wall then rebounded into a burnt corpse.
A moment after the bullet struck the corpse, Sybath laughed, so too did Barth and Zarax, while Demious stood there motionless, until his mechanical voice spoke,
“Sybath, this child has a 98.88% chance of having the powers we seek. However this statistic is based on the assumption that he is not possessed by a power unknown to us, if so it would drop to 28.4736% chance, we must not waste time.”
The laughing ceased and Sybath turned to Demious and nodded in agreement.
(Feedback is wanted)