Author's Note: YO.
Before I start, I want to say a very special thank you to alex_avo for putting up a Family Tree tutorial, and emailing me about the affiliates! There is now a Hollister family tree, which will be posted after this chapter because it has some spoilers in ;)
Halloween chapter is being replaced by this chapter... I'm having a scary half term! Last night I watched Saw I and tonight I'm going to see Paranormal Activity 2! I'm gonna shit myself. I hope I don't get chucked out cos of my age though :'/
Last time, Jerome and Dahlia went to France, Dahlia got confused by the French language and got excited when a French lady kissed her. Jerome explored tombs, found baseballs (In these modern times you can't afford to buy them) and shizz. Anyway, I've noticed how my before chapter notes are getting really long. So let's start the chapter!
Justin: Yes, KingKongJr? Oh I'm not bothered what your real name is, just get over here. NOW >:)
Justin: I'm so evil I can walk through doors. Fear me!
Carlisle: Sometimes I wonder if my father is sane...
OH DEAR GOD NO. This is scarier than going to see PA2..
Justin: Despite the fact that the left side of my face is resembling a monkey I'm still hot.
KingKongJr: *gets horny*
Carlisle: This man's shoulder is very comfortable.
Dahlia: Time to fufill my part in this murder...
Yeah.. Justin got his mother involved XDDD
Dahlia: La de da de da I'm just an innocent old woman swimming around in my bikini la la la la la.
KingKongJr: Oooh... What do we have here? ;)
Me: *perves through trees*
Dahlia: My role in this is over.
KingKongJr: Hey where did she go? :(
KingKongJr: Sigh... another murder attempt? Seriously?
Justin: Okay evil question #1.. What would be your favourite household item to use as a murder weapon?
Bella: Probably grandma's gardening mini spade thing. It could slice through your neck like ice cream melting in the sunshine!
I decided to give Bella a new hairstyle because this one is for all ages :)
Carlisle: I better not be neglectd like last time.
Oh you won't be ;)
Wassaaaaap Bonnie?
Bonnie: My evil husband is about to become a murderer, and I'm stuck in these work clothes >:(
Carlisle: Milk <3
Justin: Why won't that monkey just die?
Justin: *creeps*
Jerome: Ah my life is grand.
Jerome: Oh I think my back's gone.
KingKongJr: Hmmm... am I meant to struggle for breath like this?
KingKongJr: *spazzes out*
KingKongJr: OMG it's Buddah, coming to save my life!
KingKongJr: Oh wise Buddah! Because you look like you've lost a lot of weight and not as jolly as before, PLEASE SAVE MY LIFE.
Bob: I'm not Buddah you bitch, I'm Moses. Now get dem ears in yow grave.
Justin: *acts innocently*
Jerome: I wanted to kiss that monkey so bad :)
Carlisle: Hey Rosalie, check this out!
Carlisle: *bites*
Carlisle: Tastes like wood!
Carlisle: Tastes goooood! :DD
Rosalie: I wonder what wood does taste like...
Khalid: Boo! I dislike old women in bikini's.
Awwww <3
Dahlia: Okay Alice guess what guess what!
Alice: *sigh* What is it now grandma?
Dahlia: I'm 90 and I'm not dead yet!
Poor Alice's bedroom's been infested with plants XDD
Bonnie: Well I see you driving round town with the girl boy I love and I'm like, fuck you!
Bonnie: It's my birthday! :)
Carlisle: Why is there a party without me? :O
I think Bonnie got more than a few wrinkles when she aged... Oh dear.
Carlisle: I can't believe you had your birthday without me mother.
Carlisle: Alien milk! XDD
Adorable much?
Carlisle: Hmm... I only rate this dish as a 3.5/5. Sorry :'/
Carlisle: Tee-Hee.
Ah... it seems that Bella's discovered the swing set.
Rosalie: HEY YOU GUUUYZ! It's our birthday!
Alice: We're gonna grow up with boobies!
Bella: And horrible hair!
Alice: I wish to be smoking hot!
Bonnie: It's Carlisles birthday too!
Alice: Oh my.
Just to show you how different Alice and Bonnie are... I seriously think Alice is a twin of Fern.
Rosalie: I can do the best monkey impression evar!
CAS does not do Rosalie much justice. She is very very very very pretty. Rosalie rolled Evil as her 4th trait... things around this house should be getting a little devious ;)
Bella definitley takes after Jerome. Not as much as Alice, but she still looks like him. And she didn't roll another trait.. weird...
Alice looks much more like Fern's daughter than Justins its unreal...
And this, my friends, is the cutest little boy I've had in my game. He's going to grow up handsome, thats for sure :)
That's all for this chapter! Watch out for the family tree which will be posted soon (again thanks to alex_avo!) and comment telling me your favourite! I can't choose, I'm torn between all four. Rosalie is beautiful, Alice and Bella will be stunners when they're YA (Jerome and Fern did and they looked the same to Alice and Bella), and Carlisle is just too cute.
Well, I'm going to see Paranormal Activity 2 soon so... wish me luck that I fall asleep tonight and don't piss my pants.