The Hollister Legacy. Generation 3-Chapter 7

Aug 14, 2010 11:30

Welcome back to the Hollister legacy! 
Last time, Justin and Maple aged into teens, and their heir vote was opened then closed =)
If you didn't see the edited post, then Justin won with 25 votes, Marley behind on 9. Also, for next generation there will be a naming theme. The theme for Generation 4 will be either Twilight, or Spices. I haven't decided yet :) Another short chapter coming up... *sigh*


Dahlia: You make me wanna die!

Cheery song, ey?

Chris: Bahhh, I can't take it anymore.

Chris? =(

Chris: This is... interesting.

Grim, watch where your poking that thing ¬__¬

Esme: *blows vuvuzela*

Chris: I want a nice grave, and protection if Fern comes to visit.

Grim: You got yourself a deal ;)

Chris died at 92, leaving his wife, 5 children, 9 grandchildren and 1 unborn Great-Grandchild. One of my favourite EA sims =) R.I.P

Dahlia: My boob hurts.

Good to know.

Last time someone played this guitar someone died =O
Fern comes out so often as a ghost, she comes out every other night.

Fern: Space command demands my consistency! I must spy upon the house for them >=)

Justin: EVIL! =D

Jerome: But why, dad? =(

Because you annoyed him too much ;)

Jerome: 'I'm not talking about that... why would he want his grave outside?

*sigh* I've got a feeling Jerome won't be happy where his grave goes.

Esme: Me too?

You too?

Esme: Dying is never as satisfying as you think.

Justin: I smell evil! Where is it?

Marley: OMG! How could you just let her die?

Maple: I cant watch!

Justin: Oh grandma! I never got the chance to make you my minion =(

Esme: *farts*


Esme: Hang on... does this mean that Jerome's the only living ginger?

Yep... never thought of it like that -___- What is this legacy without gingers?

Esme: Take me to my husband and other dead gingerly relative Grim!

You can't see her in this picture (Justin's blocking her) but when all of her family was crying she was playing on video games XDDD

Justin: My evil heart! =(

Chris: How come she gets the cool grave?

Because shes ginger :) Esme died at 95 and had a loving husband (Jealous about her gravestone though), 5 children, 9 grandchildren and one great grandchild :) R.I.P.

And, on that sad note I'll end the chapter! The chapters really short I know... I need to work on my chapter lengths lol. I've decided on naming themes for the next few generations... Generation 4 will be characters from Twilight... at special request of my sister lol.
Until next time,

~Keep simming!

generation 3

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