(Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Sharks have a bad reputation among many people, but to the native people of the Hawaiian island of Niihau they are *na'aumakua,* guardian spirits. I propose that they serve as your tutelary animal in the coming week, Virgo--protectors and guides that will inspire you to be tough-minded and fully at home as you hang out higher in the food chain than you ever have before.Perhaps on top? First? Not under anyone?
(Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Russian Orthodox Christians believe it's sacrilegious to depict saints dancing, which is why they protested a recent ballet show that portrayed some of their holiest icons. Meanwhile, white Southern Baptists in the U.S. have traditionally discouraged dancing with such ferocity that they spawned the famous joke: "Why can't Baptists have sex standing up? Because God will think they're dancing." These two religious groups are the embodiment of what you should *not* do in the coming week, Sagittarius. It's a perfect moment for you to express your spiritual impulses through all manner of bodily movement: leaping, shaking, skipping, dancing, and boinking. And shouting?
Throwing things? Jesus fucking Christ. I need to go back to work. I need a context, something outside me to work within. This is making me crazy, this limbo.