I took my web site to a computer expert for an opinion. I asked them in one word-how was it. He looked me in the eye and said: FUBAR. I said, "is that good or bad". He said "well let me put it into plain english for you, it's rooted, stuffed, fucked up beyond all recognition". So I said: "then that means there are one or two problems with it". He
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Comments 3
i love the way you wrote about this man. i fealt as though i was there. you ought to write books
30 gallons-that 113 liters. With you having such a long history of keeping fish you would have checked the ammonia level on the tank so I am assuming it is not that. Do the fish show signs of being attacked? Are you using a water conditioner that takes out heavy metals-copper will kill fish. The only other thing I can think of is oxygen supply-have you increased the amount of o2 in line with the increased size of your fish over time. What kind of fish are dying?
I hope your Friday is good to you.
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