Yay! Isn't it awesome that the hellatus is finally over?! Really enjoyed the latest episode.
Since I find myself lusting over the hotness that is Jared Padalecki at least once a day week, I thought it'd be worth mentioning this, haha. Usually I'm not a fan of longer hair on guys... but on him? SUCH A DIFFERENT STORY.
^even when it blows in the wind! haha
and how can I have a gushing post without including this...
GUH. I hope it stays this way. and I'm at it, I hope he keeps the chest hair too. <3
I'm really glad Sam has his soul back, since his showing emotion is one of my favorite things about this character. But I did enjoy soulless!Sammy too. His snarky side was amusing. And Jared played this part of him really well!
and next week? WINCHESTER BOYS IN COWBOY ATTIRE! CAN'T WAIT. *fandude squeal*