Summer Moot

Aug 10, 2009 12:47

Well, the moot is past - 2.5 weeks to the Gathering... Various stuff under cuts:

Hot - getting onsite in 6 hours from leaving Edinburgh - new record for me, mainly down to not stopping off as much on the way, limiting it mainly to toilet breaks and grabbing water for drinking.
Not - lunch at services on the way down - chicken was dry and the sprite was awful - got a refund on the sprite, though.
Hot - food on the way back up at Westmoreland - that's reminded me of the gulf between Westmoreland services and Moto.
Hot - weather through most of the event
Not - the pissing down rain on the Thursday night, but at least I got my tent up before it started.
Not - not drinking enough water on Saturday which gave me a sore head and left me feeling a bit down.
Hot - 95th doing a lot of good stuff & making friends
Hot - doing rituals & getting good marks
Not - both the rituals I did were teaching which ends up being a bit "samey"...
Hot - enchanted through at range is awesome :)
Hot - got training sorted out so next year it'll be enchanted strikedown. At range :)
Not - didn't get down to the archery practice due to the camp getting attacked. Then the Gryphons got attacked, then our camp. Again.
Hot - none of the 95th died, despite rumours to the contrary.
Not - couple of Vipers died in the Akari attacks, including one of the Starcrafts who'd been, ah, helping in the brothel.
Hot - singing round the campfire - must do this more :)
Not - my knee playing up on Saturday night - I'm going to have to get some tubigrips for that for the G
Hot - while flexing my knee on Sunday morning, it very audibly clicked back into place with no pain. Tubigrip is still happening though.

Now, some really, really bad news for the fate of the planet. Unfortunately for the survival of the human race, I'm going to be a dad, meaning that my genes are going to continue their existence on this planet after I'm gone.
On the other hand, I'm happy about this, while being nervous about it (I believe the technical term is "bricking it") much as any expectant dad would be. The due date is about the 26th of January next year, all being well :)


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