Title: The Road to ComicCon
Author: Jakia / luckyjak
Word Count:5924
Friendships: Blaine + Artie + Sam + a bit of Cooper, a little past Kurt/Blaine
Summary Sam and Artie kidnap Blaine and force him to grow his hair out so he can cosplay Jon Snow and be a part of their Game of Thrones cosplay at the San Diego ComicCon. Sam is going as Jamie
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Comments 7
P.S. I am amazed by how well you do artie's voice. Can I take lessons from you?
First of all, I just wanted to snuggle Blaine the entire fic and say "honey, it's okay, you should be able to be what you want to be."
Second, this fic reminded me a good deal of my own life in the past year. Like traveling to cons and getting caught in traffic and understanding half of game of thrones because your friends watch it and being the uber-nerdy one at a con and being misunderstood for it but at the end you're still amazingly happy.
Okay, that was very rambly. Anyway, this fic is amazing, 10/10, will recommend.
Oh, and the truck. because sometimes the drive from nowhere to somewhere or vice versa is just too much for one heap of junk to take.
I love both your Artie voice and your Sam voice.
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