[fic] Anew

Mar 21, 2013 11:08


Summary: Kurt and Blaine love each other very much.  That part has never changed, but somewhere along the way they forgot what made them so close in the first place: that they used to tell each other everything, even the things that hurt, and they were always honest with each other.  Somehow, they’ve lost that, but a brutal conversation puts ( Read more... )

klaine, glee, fanfiction

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Comments 3

adiwriting March 23 2013, 01:03:33 UTC
I really like that they didn't just talk through their issues of the breakup- but that you had them bring up a lot of things they should have talked about all through their relationship but for some reason never did (cough*RIB*cough). It was nice to see them recognize that there was more to the cheating and breakup then just sleeping with somebody else and a few missed dates. They hadn't been honest about their feelings for a long time. Really for all of season 3 they'd been dancing around topics that were uncomfortable. Not to say that they didn't love each other and have a great relationship during season 3- but I do think that somewhere right after Blaine transferred they stopped being honest and started being more accommodating and while that wasn't always horrible- it did eventually get bad enough that Blaine didn't feel like he could tell Kurt how he was feeling in TBU just like Kurt couldn't tell Blaine how he was feeling in DWS ( ... )


reremouse April 15 2013, 05:02:46 UTC
It took me a while to get around to reading this, but this was really wonderful. I love the conversation they finally had about their insecurities. It was a long time coming, but it's a conversation they so need to have. Beautifully done!


rainbowstevie April 19 2013, 23:12:40 UTC
Eek, I read this when it was first posted, but apparently failed to do anything about it in the way of feedback. So I just wanted to say that this is my favorite scenario for reunion fic yet, and while I've read and enjoyed a lot of post-4x04 fights, I love every bit of the verbal back and forth here. And "I cheated on you because I felt like you didn’t love me any more" is, to date, the best verbalization of why.

I also like how you set it up (a nice end with Adam, not making him a villain or a total pushover), and especially having them try out some of these new attempts at honest communication at the end to hash out other issues.


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