I've had it up to here and I'm about to lose my temper

Apr 30, 2008 22:21

Dear Avatar Fandom,

Fuck you.

When the hell did my OTP become such a joke to you that you openly mock each and every person who ships it?  Why is it that EVERY TIME I USE A GODDAMN ZUTARA ICON I get comments like, "Oh, I'll try not to think less of you because of your choice in ships."


So I'm less of person because I ship Zutara?  Because I ship Zutara, I'm either in it for the hate!sex or I'm twelve?  WHAT THE HELL?!

Just because I don't ship Kataang because it makes me feel like a pedofile I'm less of an Avatar fan?  Just because I don't ship Maiko because it bores the ever-loving crap out of me that means I'm delusional?  Because I ship two people BECAUSE OF WHAT THEY HAVE IN COMMON I'm a complete retard?

Now, mind you, I'm not going lie---I know Zutara's chances for canon.  I know they aren't very high.  BUT DOES THAT GIVE YOU ANY GODDAMN RIGHT TO DISCREDIT IT'S POTENTIAL?!  I mean, we have a lot of chance for canon.  There are still six more episodes left of the season.  How long did it take for Sokka to fall in love with Yue?  ABOUT TWO, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.  How the hell can you even say it doesn't stand a chance?    How can you dismiss ANY evidence for it?  WHY DO YOU BLOW IT OFF SO MUCH?  WHY, FANDOM, DO YOU TREAT ZUTARA SHIPPERS AS IF THEY ARE THE DIRT BENEATH YOUR FEET?!

I'm going to say this, and I'm going to say this once:

I fucking love Zutara.

I love the fanfics.  I love the fanart.  I love the essays.  I love the AMVs.  I love most of the shippers--there are maybe a few 12 year olds who give my ship I bad name that I don't care far, but for the most part?  I love this ship.  I've spent three fucking years dedicated to this ship only to be put down AS AN INDIVIDUAL for having different tastes?  WHAT THE HELL?

What really, really pisses me off, though, is that Zutara is THE ONLY DAMN SHIP given this amount of problems.  Every other ship is treated fairly and with respect.  Zutara?  OH NO, ZUTARA IS THE SCUM OF THE EARTH.  ONLY SATANISTS SHIP ZUTARA, APPARENTLY.

Why, fandom, is it that people can make snarky, bastard-like posters OPENLY MOCKING Zutara, and no one complains?  Why is it that when a Zutarian complains, they are JUMPED UPON as starting shipwars?

This is why Zutarians have to have their own communities!  Not because we're elitists, but because EVERYONE FUCKING HATES US.

And I don't know why!

Are we that much of a threat to you?  Do we make you that uncomfortable?  Is it the hate!sex?  Because, I promise, there is a lot more to Zutara than the hate!sex.

And you know what?  If Zutara doesn't happen, I'll be okay.  I'll be disappointed, but otherwise, I'll be fine.  I'll pretend Ozai's Vengeance is canon, you fuckers.

And right now?  I fucking hope Zutara becomes canon.  Before, I've never really cared, but right now, I could want nothing more.  I hope they make-out for ten fucking minutes for no damn reason other than TO PISS YOU OFF.  I hope the show ends with Zuko and Katara being the Fire Lord and Lady

Because right now, I've had up to HERE with this fandom.  I'm half-tempted to just drop it completely but then how would I get new episodes?  Either way, I wish you stupid people would GROW UP and RESPECT PEOPLE FOR A DIFFERENCE IN OPINION.

It ain't over until it's over, goddamnit, and we Zutarians aren't going down without a fight.

With regards,


(hey f_list do you think I should cross-post this to katara_zuko or would I get in trouble?)

wank, zutara, fandom, shipping

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