babysitting is cute and all but yeah i admit it bores me

Jan 22, 2005 22:25

only boring people get bored.

Name: ingrid

-- Birth date: euw it was recent and now i am an old fogie

-- Birthplace: pontiac, michigan

-- Current: current place? 41

-- Eye Color: kind of green sometimes, like the color of snot most of the time.

-- Hair Color: blonde if i wash it

-- Righty or Lefty: righty but i am jealous of lefties

-- Zodiac Sign: capricorn but this means nothing. i've read all the descriptions of myself based on that and i am in no way anything like what i'm supposed to be.

-- Innie or Outtie: i dont know you'll have to check yourself sometime


-- Your heritage: 100% FINNISH

-- The shoes you wore today: i wore those big old boots they are tan and huge and have pebbles that roll around in the soles

-- Your fears: that the house will get on fire while i'm asleep, that there will be some gross animal in the toilet that will bite my butt, that my parents will die

-- One thing you'd like to achieve: i'd like to win the nobel peace prize

-----------------WHAT IS------------------

-- Your thoughts first waking up: our morning sun of beauty how it shines so undefiled

-- The first features you notice in the opposite sex: arms

-- Your best physical feature: hm. im so great all over i have no idea what to pick.

-- Your bedtime: depnds usually around 2

-- Your most missed memory: proud lake camp

-----------------YOU PREFER------------------

-- Pepsi or coke: like i need to tell yuou people

-- McDonald's or Burger King: mc donalds, esp plain cheeseburgers they taste like childhood

-- Single or group dates: i hate dates they are embarassing

-- Adidas or Nike: euw i dont really care

-- Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate

-- Cappuccino or coffee: they're both okay

-----------------DO YOU------------------

-- Smoke: NEVER

-- Cuss: NEVER

-- Take a shower everyday: NEVER

-- Have a crush(es): this part about my life sucks, i always think i do but then i second guess myself and i dont, its so boring, i wish i could just have a crush on everyone i really do

-- Who are they: im sure they don't know it yet because i am a huge shy prude

-- Do you think you've been in love?: no, well maybe that finnish loser but he doesn't count because he's ugly

-- Want to go to college: i guess since im here

-- Like high school: i did the first 2 years, the last two were the bane of my existence
-- Want to get married: yes please someone marry me now it would be so cute and fun

-- Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: YAKS HEAR NOISES UNDER JACKS MATTRESS

-- Believe in yourself: all the time

-- Get motion sickness: if the method of transport is small

-- Think you're attractive: i hate to agree with everyone else but yes

-- Get along with your parents: surely, unless i need money from them

-- Like thunderstorms: everyone does so i hate this question it's not like im really cool or unique because i do

-- Play an instrument: OH YES I AM SO TALENTED I PLAY ABOUT 34399802148

------------IN THE PAST MONTH HAVE YOU--------------

-- Drank alcohol: Never do that
-- Smoke(d): never do that either

-- Done a drug: never ever do that
-- Have Sex: HAD Sex geez get it right and like i said before i am a huge prude so of courfse not
-- Made Out: huge prude...

-- Gone to the mall: maybe i dont remember

-- Eaten sushi: SICKK!KK!!! - Darius

-- Been on stage: probably for some concert or another

-- Gone skating: no. that's sad.

-- Made homemade cookies: sure they probaly didnt turn out though. i made brownies but they didnt even bake through all the way so now everyone hates me

-- Been in love: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

-- Dyed your hair: no

-- Stolen anything: er... actually i dont think i have in the past month so that is pretty good

-----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------

-- Flown on a plane: a bunch of times

-- Missed school because it was raining?: no that's gross

-- Told a guy/girl that you liked them?:
huge prude...

-- Cried during a Movie?: mais bien sur

-- Ever thought an animated character was hot?: BAMBI"S DAD HELLO

-- Had an imaginary friend: not relaly

-- Had crush on a teacher?: no not relaly that either.. unless yo ucount mr scahill my latin teacher who was hotter than all getout

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: strip badminton in caseville
-- Been called a tease:not that i know of

-- Gotten beaten up: sure all the time my siblings are all a hundred times stronger than me they beat me up all the cotton pickin time

-- Been in a fight: oui

-- Shoplifted: HOOO Boy.

-----------------THE FUTURE------------------

-- Age you hope to be married: 21. so start proposing now.

-- number of children: as many as possible

-- Describe your Dream Wedding: short

-- How do you want to die?: valiantly

-- What do you want to be when you grow up?: a very cute mom with wacky clothes who teaches music at the local community center or school and is very eccentric and annoying and has a hot husband

-- What country would you most like to visit?: right now...? ummm i guess finland would be okay for now.


-- Shampoo: suave lavender

-- Fav Color: orange

-- Day/Night: night

-- Summer/Winter: winter: candles snow dark pretty

-- Fave Food: pasties

fave movies: LESTO.....

----------------RIGHT NOW------------------

-- Wearing: euw well i guess if you really want to know i can understand okay i am wearing jeans and socks and a black shirt and sonja's sweatshirt hah inst that hot.

-- Drinking: nothing

-- Thinking about: when mia and al are coming back so i can get out of here

-- Listening to: joyful voices ringing

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------

-- Cried: no

-- Worn jeans: yes

-- Met someone new online: no

-- Done laundry: yes

-- Drove a car: no jackie drove i still didnt get my license renewed

-- Talked on the phone: talked to steph and mia and hanna

this was not even a good survey im sorry it was so tedium, well whatcha gonna do when they come for you. i think dominic just caught me smoking. that is really embarassing. laters

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