Five questions meme
1 - Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 - I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 - You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 - You'll include this explanation.
5 - You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.
1. Who is your role model?
When I first read this question I thought "What? Role model? What role model? I don't know. I don't have a role model." However, I have thought more about this question. There are lots of role models. Famous people, your mum, a local hero. However, I decided that although I do have a number of role models, there is one in particular that really inspires and I look up too. This particular role model is a person that a number of us are familiar with.
This person is Ivy.
Ivy is one of my close friends and over the course of this year, it feels like she's almost family in a different sort of way. She's really an amazing person that is always there for me. The reason why I look up to her is because she cares so much about her family. No matter her family treats her, Ivy loves her family unconditionally. To her, family is of utmost importance. She'll care for them, buy them presents, cook for them. Her contribution of love and care to her family is in many ways, the thing that holds it all together.
I wish I were the same as her. I wish I could love my family that way. I wish I could be such a wonderfully selfless and caring person that she is. I wish it all the time.
2. What is your third most important New Years Resolution?
This was another that made me think. "New Years Resolution? What New Years Resolution? I haven't thought that far ahead yet!" Whilst I was washing the dishes, I wrote a list in my head. So here goes.
My third most important New Years Resolution is to study more at school and achieve better marks. I want to get at least 85% on every Maths test. I want to do better than Jisun and Rena in every Chinese test. I want to achieve better marks than I ever have in IPT. I want to do better than
inferior in the final HSC exam and the overall HSC mark.
inferior is a pretty hardcore student though. He studies hard all the time and creating this challenge for myself will really force me to push myself. Plus, he has all the great ranks like you know, #2. I'm only an extremely pathetic rank #5. Saying that I will try hard but actually trying hard is something I always struggle with. In 2011, I hope to change this once and for all.
3. What is your favourite icon subject matter?
My favourite icon subject matter is a lone person or creature in a landscape filled with the glorious sun and sky. This lone person or creature is overcome by the emotion of love. This love can be a representation of both the ups and downs of a life. This lone person or creature never smiles. Usually, it is a look of indifference or even looking beyond the person or thing. Sometimes, there are tears.
4. If you were in a desolate, ruined cityscape (think post-apocalypse), what would be the first thing you do? Provided you find yourself alone, but there may be people out there.
I would crumple and cry. I would let loose rivers of tears at the loss of all that is wonderful and having the true realisation of the vulnerability of human life.
5. You have 20 seconds to grab your favourite things in your room before your house explodes from a gas leak. What do you take?
First thing that comes to mind, Sarah. Second thing that comes to mind, bass guitar. There was a kind of indecisive bit in between but after some more thinking I decided it would be the picture of me from 2000 in the original checked dress. I think most of you have seen this picture before because I use it as my MSN dp. Or did at one stage.