Why can't we be like story book children.....?

Oct 09, 2009 19:50

You know, an important part of planning a comic series is developing characters to determine whether they would act, dress, or anything else to spice up the story right?

This Rant is ASEAN Heavy )

asean, rant, wtf politic?

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Comments 22

fanfaluche October 9 2009, 18:07:41 UTC
It's the same with European Union for me :( I get so depressed when I hear about Eurosceptics and all. I just wish everyone could get along and stop the whining and the "baww the EU is useless".


I hope your mood to draw comes back soon.


jali_jali October 11 2009, 08:18:51 UTC
Indeed, I don't know why they object about it either? I mean, EU is certainly a good role model for this regional integration thing. At least in cultural and tourism aspect imo. And I do think it makes life easier for most of the citizens.

;3; Thx bb, though luckily my mood is better now since I could start to draw again. ^ ^


ruby_dream October 9 2009, 18:16:56 UTC
Ahahahaha...trus buat apa tuh ASEAN yaaah? Kesannya cuma formalitas aja...Tapi gw baru tau kalo ternyata antar ASEAN ada aja berantemnya.

Tapi moga2 Orrie bakal tetep gambar...@_@; Bisa nangis gw kalo ampe Orrie berhenti gambar krn perselisihan antar negara


jali_jali October 11 2009, 08:22:11 UTC
Well, gw juga baru tau akhir-akhir ini juga hahaha, padahal kalo kita bisa nyatu jadi regional yg kuat bakalan oye banget menurut gw.

Hahaha, kayanya kalo sampe berenti gambar si ngga mungkin XD tapi yah, bikin mood rada ngga enak aja jadinya berasa ngga oke megang alat gambar -_-;;

Btw ujian n tugasnya gmn dah selese blom? N sekarang stlh baca Kuroshitsuji akhirnya gw tau darimana asal gambar avatar lo, hahaha


ruby_dream October 14 2009, 15:48:44 UTC
Tul tul...apalagi krn bagian parawisata...kita mantep banget tuh se ASEAN

Hahhaha, tapi keliatannya Orrie dah on lagi nih buat bikin project ASEAN's hetalia? *3* Gw ga sabar lhoooo~

Kalo urusan kuliah sih rasanya ga ada kelarnya. XDDD Makin lama makin sibuk malah, sampe2 mo tidur aja kok ga sempet. Bangun juga cuma buat kul ama bljr buku. Wkwkwkwkwk!

Bagus kan, kuroshitsuji?? *3* Demen ga Orrie? Heheh, akhir2ini gw juga mulai kerajingan Kobato sih~ <3


jali_jali October 15 2009, 13:39:03 UTC
Yah, uda mule menggeliat lagi lah napsu menggambarnya ^ ^ sekarang tinggal mikirin apa yang harus dibuat pertama kali untuk webcomicnya.

Woow masih musim ujian kah? o_0 Semangat bb! Jangan sampe kolaps ya!

Kuroshitsuji...yah lumayan si Sebastian-nya mirip banget sama Mukuro XD cuma unsur gothic lolita-nya agak sedikit berlebihan buat gw ^ ^; padahal gw seneng dandanan gothic gitu loh! Oh, tapi Agni-nya keren bangeeet!! Gw nerusin baca salah satunya gara2 nungguin ni tokoh muncul! Hm? Kobato yang mana lagi nih? Ada manga online-nya ngga?


starstray October 9 2009, 23:12:02 UTC
It's terrible, really, and even within Malaysia some of the countries themselves the internal politics is awful :( I actually don't get too much of a 'rivalry' feeling between Malaysia/Philippines, but Malaysia/Indonesia a little bit, and Malaysia/Singapore... definitely rofl we are so mutually bitchy (did you read about the water supply disputes?? very entertaining for those long rainy nights)

And I don't think Indonesians are arrogant compared to others ^^;; maybe it's because some of the tourists are very loud and obnoxious (like how Europeans view Americans) but personally I think every country has their version of that stereotype.

Looking forward to the profiles :DD


jali_jali October 11 2009, 08:31:38 UTC
Eehh I don't know about the water supply one! @o@ What's that about? Got any link? And yes, by looking at their history together I could imagine the mutual bitching lol.
(Btw Malaysia-Philippines rivalry usually going around at music topic or eh.... 'agama' at the sensitive one. It really makes my face palm -_-)

Lol, I guess som some of Indonesians when grouping together do tend to chat loudly. XD
And about the profiles I do need some help about Malaysia here if you don't mind? Well, in your opinion how does Malaysia point of view about other ASEAN countries? And what are Malaysian stereotypes that you experience most in your daily life as Malaysian?

If all things well, I should have the profiles up by next day or two days. ^ ^


starstray October 13 2009, 02:18:44 UTC
LOL the water supply was a MAJOR bitching issue a few years ago (maybe even now, I'm not sure). Because of it, Singapore started to recycle their water from used sewage. I found this link the most readable, because the rest had so much technical stuff in them/too biased towards either country and I thought this one was the funniest.

wtf why bitch about such topics? man I don't think I even wanna go there... agama topics are always touchy...

Malaysian stereotypes: Definitely has to have durian in there somewhere. Or nasi lemak. Or satay. (I hate how the British always label satay sauce as "Thai", oi!) Also Malaysia would be pretty spendthrift and doesn't think very far (omg our government.. in 10 years our petroleum reserves will be gone so stop all this reckless budgeting!!!). He's also quite easygoing though . . . I think. Actually he would just be a useless boke whose redeeming feature would be that he can cook well (and he always reminds Singapore of this. Singaporeans and Malaysians have a food rivalry too and of course ( ... )


jali_jali October 13 2009, 16:32:24 UTC
Hahaha, omg making drinking water out of toilet sewage! XD Thanks for the links though, it's very educating and entertaining at the same time. ^ ^

I know right? I think it's better to stay far away from those, I have quite a shock upon being stranded to those topics it makes me depressed enough. -_-;; Seriously, some people.....

LOL durians are most likely all Southeast Asian stereotypes XD we're all totally crazy about durians! And I feel you for the food labeling though, perhaps they think all of SEA foods are Thai foods or something. Not quite the topic, but I recall having watched a video in Youtube about an Indonesian who shop in one of mini market in UK and found out that Indofood instant noodles from Indonesia were labeled 'Nigerian instant noodles'! O Arthur! D8

But thanks for the infos bb, it gives me lots of idea to work on ;D
And don't worry about ramblings, I love long replies ^ ^


eyelushtraitor October 10 2009, 05:32:05 UTC
it's now depend on us the asean nation to make sure it's not end up the EU way :D ( ... )


picseanenigma October 10 2009, 16:51:46 UTC
Oh, I know what you mean. That was partially why I was so intrigued by your web comic since there are just so many conflicts to cover. My knowledge is very limited but from what I know about Malaysia-Singapore relations, it isn't pretty at all. Indonesia-Singapore relations too. Don't get too glum though! It's mostly a country vs. country thing more than individuals versus individuals.

It's a lovely thing that you wish for us all to be one happy family. If there were more like-minded in the world, then maybe be a semblance of peace could finally be achieved.


jali_jali October 11 2009, 09:16:11 UTC
Indeed, whoooooooboy I should manage to make this as lighthearted as possible so it won't (hopefully) invite another wank-fest. -_-;

It's a lovely thing that you wish for us all to be one happy family. If there were more like-minded in the world, then maybe be a semblance of peace could finally be achieved.

Yes! I do hope so, hopefully my webcomic somehow could make us ASEAN citizens gathering together, laughing at our failness or something lol. Well, at least among my flist, hahaha.


picseanenigma October 11 2009, 09:34:22 UTC
I just realised I had commented on someone else's comment OTL

I'm sure you can do it! The people into Hetalia are very open-minded so you shouldn't get too much trouble here! :D

lol... yea, we're made of so much fail but honestly, where would we be without each other?


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