Who's one of us ?

Feb 25, 2010 22:56

Been reading rahirah 's entry and its following thread about what is a 'real' shipper ( thing that has been discussed numerous times as she pointed out ) and I have to say that what defines a true Spike/Buffy shipper is quite simple, really

It is not about enjoying all the seasons or not , believing in a post NFA reunion or giving up on them post SR, or being a canon whore.. or whatever nonsense.
:shakes head:
you’re all missing the point , guys!

To be a real , pure , genuine Spike/Buffy shipper :
.Write only them and them only as a romantic pairing :( if you have been straying from this golden road and writing Buffy/Angel , it’s the ugliest betrayal you can do to the ship )
.Read only them ( Enjoying Buffy/other or Spike /other is a sure way to lose all hope of being redeemed in Spuffy heaven one day )

So who’s a real shipper then ?
Aside from me , that is.
Who is , mmm?

E.T.A This entry is course not to be taken seriously. The day I speak and truly think like this,someone please slaps me. :)

spuffy love

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