Saw Up tonight. It was excellent, I highly recommend seeing it in 3D if you can.
After, I went to a very impromptu third viewing of Star Trek (impromptu=the decision was made with less than 10 minutes to showtime) and somewhere in the first half hour I realized I really had to pee. I was able to hold out until
the first bit on Delta Vega (because...really, twice is enough) and then I ran to the restroom.
I was the only one actually occupying the restroom at around midnight, until a few teenage boys (14-16ish) decided to wander in and be very loud and obnoxious and proclaim "Hey, there's a bitch in here!"
I calmly finished my business, left my stall and walked up to the nearest boy.
Me: "Hey, can I borrow your cell phone?"
Him: (a little stunned) "...what?"
"I need to make an important call and my phone died. Can I borrow yours real quick?"
"...sure..." (he reluctantly hands it over and his friends giggle a bit)
Thankfully it was a Nokia so I was somewhat familiar with its design. I went looking through the address book.
Him: "Who are you calling?"
Me: "Your mom. Is she listed under M or by her first name?"
It took him a second to realize what I had said, then he ripped his phone out of my hands and bolted. His friends were more shocked than amused and followed quickly. By the time I was done washing my hands and exiting the restroom they had vacated the area.
I made it back to the movie just in time to see
Spock prime save Kirk from the annoying giant red beetle, which was exactly where I had hoped to re-enter.