(no subject)

Jan 18, 2005 13:30

Name: Jayme
backwards: emyaj
Does your name mean anything?: nope but its the female St. James
Were you named after anyone?: no
Nickname:Jay and James
Screenname: jame795

Date of birth: July 9th 1988
Place of birth: Detroit, Michigan
Current location: Troy, Michigan
Religion: none as of now
Height: 5'6
Shoe size: 8
Hair color: brown
Eye color: blue/grey
What do you look like? find a picture.
Righty, lefty, or ambidextrous?: right handed, goofy footed
How old are you mentally?: Pretty good.
Describe yourself in 5 words: dreamer, optimist, happy, hungry, cheerful
What are your worst qualities: I don't express how I feel.
What are your best qualities: I am a happy friendly person

Do You Have...
Any sisters: no, a 1/2 sister
Any brothers: 2 Nick and Ryan, a 1/2 brother whom I never have met
Any pets: Yogi (my puppy) Sugar (my baby)
A disease: not that I know of.
A pager: no
A personal phone number: I HAD a cell phone, but it is currently being held hostage by "authority" at my school
A leather jacket with studs on it?: no
A heroin needle: no
A pool or hot tub: no
A Car: 94 escort, and its purple!

Describe Your...
Personality: indecisive
Driving: I tend to be a bit speedy
Car or one you want: well my car is purple, old, and dented because of a chrissy lynn, it also has 1/2 a bush sticker and a "no I don't have any spare ribs" bumper sticker on it.
Room: a bit disorganized but only because clothes like to be scattered all over it.
School: Very small, strict, and easy
Relationship with your parents: mothers is better than fathers.

Do You...
Believe in yourself?: depends what it is involving, most of the time no
Believe in love at first sight?: no, you have to get to know their personality
Consider yourself a good listener?: I'd say so.
Consider yourself a good friend?: I'd hope so.
Get along with your parents: most of the time.
Save your e-mail or conversations: no
Pray: no
Believe in reincarnation: no
Like to make fun of people: no
Like to talk on the phone: not really
Like to drive: yes its very relaxing
Get motion sickness: no
Eat chicken fingers with a fork: don't eat chicken fingers
Type with your fingers on home row: haha yeah
Sleep with a stuffed animal: only when I need to be comforted

What Was/Is (or Are)...
Right next to you: my yogi begging for my panera bread
Your room: a place where I feel most at home
On your mouse pad: some weird contraption my dad gave us, its black and painted with nail polish
Your dream date: a nice non crazy concert, then going on a walk at night, ending up on some swings looking at the stars
Your dream honeymoon spot: not staying in one spot, a new place a day for a week.
Your dream husband/wife: don't think he exists because I'm retarded, but definitely would have to be a whole package with personality overplaying everything else, with a nice smile and starry eyes
Your bedtime: whenever I fall asleep
Under your bed: labeled boxes such as "art stuff" and others
Your bad time of the day: whenever I'm contemplating life, because I get in "those moods"
Your worst fear(s): needles, getting altimers, not being happy
The date?: January 18th, 2005
The worst feeling in the world?: the feeling that you are alone.

Number: 15
Color: yellow
Day: saturday
Month: december
Song: a okay - motion city soundtrack
Band: as of today- glasseaters
Season: winter
Sport: hockey
Class: art
Teacher: mr. fisher
Drink: lemonade
Veggie: tomatoes
TV Show: The OC - the only one I really watch
Radio Station: 89x or 106.7
Store: salvation army, lohemens
Animal: polar bear
Flower: black rose

Love + Relationships...
Do you have a bf/gf?: no
Do you have a crush?: no
How long have you liked him/her?: ----
Why do you like this person?: ----
If you're single...why are you single?: because I'm a nerd
How long was your longest relationship?: 2 weeks? wow I'm pathetic and I dont even remember!
How long was your shortest relationship?: 2 weeks?
Who was your first love?: have yet to "fall in love"
What do you miss about them?: ----
Who was your last bf/gf?: kyle

The Past...
Last thing you heard: 1000 words- burning bright
Last thing you saw: orange slice can
Last thing you said: "okay I will"
Who is the last person you saw?: yogi
Who is the last person you kissed?: kyle
Who is the last person you hugged?: sugar
Who is the last person you fought with?: ryan
Who is the last person you were on the phone with?: my mom
What is the last TV show you saw?: the oc.
What are you wearing?: my REALLY BIG defective scrubs, and my really comfy kinda navy blue long sleeved shirt
What are you doing?: wasting time
Who are you talking to?: no one
What song are you listening to?: the sharpest knife wins- burning bright
Where are you?: computer area
Who are you with?: besides my dogs I would be home alone
How are you feeling?: okay, worried
Are you in a chatroom?: no

The Future...
What day is it tomorrow?: Wednesday
What are you going to do after this?: put some day clothes on
Who are you going to talk to?: Mariya
Where are you going to go?: Mi cuarto
How old will you be when you graduate?: 17
What do you want to be?: I have no clue
What is one of your dreams?: to be happy
Where will you be in 25 years?: who knows.

Have You Ever...
Drank?: yes
Had sex?: no
Stole?: no
Done anything illegal?: yes
Wanted to die?: no
Hit someone?: yes

What do you most like about your body?: my hair
And least?: my legs
How many fillings do you have?: one to many
Do you think you're good looking?: no, I'm very not self confident
Do other people often tell you that you're good looking?: not really
Do you look like any celebrities?: no

my puppy cut his foot yesterday.
we was playing Hockey with Ryan.
and it wont stop bleeding.
So I'm scared and have to take him to the vet.
I'm waiting for mariya... maybe she will go with me.
then we can talk about ms. chrissy lynn.
and maybe even go to the store
because I have to buy some stuff.
for ms. Chrissy Lynn.
[even tho I still owe Mariya birthday and christmas presents]
[they will come eventually I promise!!]

tomorrow starts the new semester.
It is also Chrissy's Birthday.
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