so not much has been happening lately. we all went to the mall on friday and shopped then me and sudie went to ormond where i got my face burned off. yesterday me and my mom went to Millenia and i got just about all of my shopping done for everyone. YES! i think my pwesents are good! UM...
my kittay asleep on our couch, i love them!
that's for stephanie....the SICK unicorn we saw in someone's front seat.
oh yes, i did get a new pair of Gucci's.
purple and gold, GOOOO DMS!
these baby's are BRAND NEW, just came in! and we all know i'm the only person who can pull them off because i have a huge face. $220 of gorgeousness.
my new Lacoste jacket, it was on sale.... it's sooooo warm and it's purple on the inside to match my new Gucci's.
me and J. Dub. hotness.