Player Information
Name: Gabby
LJ Username:
butterlyvisionContact Info:
AIM: GabBaka
MSN/Email: saucylittleminx[at]gmail[dot]com
Character Information
Name: James Thomas Aldo
LJ Username:
james_aldoHouse: Gryffindor
Year: 7th
Age: 17
Birthdate: August 5th
Zodiac Sign / Description: Leo
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Comments 5
daridavison and eruditetwin both ADORE him. He's the person, I think, that Dari goes to most when she's upset, next to Jeremy. And Ellie has a little bit of a crush on him, even if she'd never say so out loud or even admit it to herself.
brysawyer thinks he is awesome and loves pranking with him. Yes.
precociousizzy also thinks he's pretty great
aaaand, I don't think he knows Ed or Katy, really?
And Ailwin.. depends on his performance in class and all.
Pranking buddies kickass, thnx. Especially when it comes to evil Slytherins. :P
And Izzy's probably like a sister to hin. Yes.
And... I don't think so either. Boo?
Haaha. As always, he's a bit silly and goofy (profes=too serious!), but he doesn't do anything extreme and keeps up with work. Usually.
Ellie.. yeah. She's hearts the anon owls and would heart them even more if she knew they were from him. She'll probably smack him and want to know why he didn't just TELL her. And then, you know, hug him to death.
Pranking buddies and surrogate sisters = yay!
And.. if he does know Katy, they'll hate each other, so woo. Ed, he'd have seen around, but yeah.
Ailwin can be pretty goofy himself, so he'd still appreciate James as long as he wasn't disruptive and got things in on time. Umm, extra points for creative excuses when he doesn't get his shit done.
Aww Ellie. He needs to get to sending her more things like he wants to...>>
Ahahaha. Katy... might fall victim to a few pranks. >:D!
Yeah, he never does anything to bad and really does try to get all of his work done. For those few times he doesn't? Yeah, he'll make up elaborate excuses as to why it's not done.
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