Blah. I never post.
I just don't like LJ I think. I don't like talking over the net, I much prefer to be able to see people.
Oh well.
*crosses fingers*
I'm very nervious, and it's kinna sad.
In a couple of mere Days, I will be going up for the the position of Twilight Judge in the cam. I am unbelivably nervious. Like going nuts, checking my email every few minutes, getting up and playing my xbox and killing stuff to calm down nervious.
You see this has been a VERY long trip for me IC. About 2 years ago (roughly, I estimate with time a lot) when the Ordo Dracul book came out, I had the chance to apply and be a Twilight Judge in backstory.
I could have very easily justified it, my PC after all, predates the covenant, and is a student of one of the brides. It would have made SENSE for me to do it.
But I didn't, I let my lack of confidence get to me and didn't go for it.
That window closed, but later on I decided I would go for it ICLY, which I somehow convinced myself would be 10 times as awesome and fun.
THAT was a long horrible flaming burning wreck of a road, which lead to me spending over a year just waiting around for the CHANCE to ask to become one. *sigh*
But all that time eventually came to an end, and barring insanity bending accident, I will be voted on to become a Twil. Judge in the next few days.
And somehow? I'm completely convinced I'm going to fuck it all up :)
After all my PC is a super old, mega-genius, who would know what to do in the situation. Me? not so much.
If I get it? 2 years of RP = Awesome.
If I blow it? 2 years of RP = Down the drain, utter sadness, but understandable.
If it gets blown FOR me? 2 years of RP = Rage. (this is easily possible, if say I haven't made the right IC or sadly OC friends)
I really shouldn't care this much, but it's been a long road and a lot of work, and I want it.
here goes. *crosses fingers again*
BTW, Cricket in Twilight Council = lots and lots of WIN. God I love that character.