Title: Break Your Heart
Rating: PG
Pairing: implied James/Sirius
Word Count: 240
Summary: Angst-y little drabble about Sirius attempting to move on.
I’m only going to break your heart Sirius’ eyes flashed in warning. But the beauty of his body tangled in their own prevented his prey from heeding it. It was so easy to forget he was dangerous when he looked so heavenly, long effortlessly styled hair, perfect body, handsome features, Sirius was trap from whom even the strongest personalities could not escape.
His body moved tantalisingly to the music, his conquest only had to close his eyes to the coldness of his eyes to pretend that Sirius was there for him, not for the sole purpose to forget someone else. When they kiss its almost perfect, but deep down he knows that it is not really him Sirius is kissing, Sirius is kissing a memory. He knows this by the way he never opens his eyes not even when they pull away.
When they make love, Sirius is incredible, mind blowing, just as everyone knows he would be. But his silence is unnerving, his closed eyes cold, Sirius’s mind isn’t in the room it’s decades away in a time where he was really happy, not just pretending to be.
Sirius moves on as he always does, and although his previous victim knows it was going to happen, it doesn’t prevent their heart from breaking, because Sirius’s warning never works. But it doesn’t seem to matter in the end because no amount of relationships can heal Sirius of his broken heart.