Title: Untitled
mayfloPairing: James/Regulus/Sirius
Rating: NC17 **NOT WORKSAFE**
Challenge: 93. James/Regulus/Sirius; James discovers there's something going on between Sirius and Regulus, either through accidental voyeurism or a confession from Sirius. Would like to see tension, an argument, Remus and Peter wondering what the fuck is going on, and Sirius trying to defend himself with completely ridiculous and circular reasoning. Bonus points for James being squicked by the whole ordeal up until the inevitable threesome. Established James/Sirius is fine, but not necessary.
Warnings: Voyeurism, Incest, Threesome, explicit smexing :P
A/N: Yes! Me first!! XD I wanted this to be a sequential art because it has so much context in the Challenge I wanted to include as many but figures, there's a limit to my patience :P Might I add I had loads of fun thinking up who's going to be top/middle/bottom. I even came up with a theory of why this had to be like this. I think Sirius can be quite the jealous lover when it comes to his little brother. He wouldn't let anyone else touch him. Plus Reg & Siri were in the middle of something when they got caught (in a usual R/S, Sirius is topping) so Sirius would want to top. *hee*
This isn't Double Penetration, btw o.O