May 14, 2011 03:14
- 09:26:55: i'm in so much pain right now, I'm wondering if I should bother going in to work or count this as a sick day?
- 11:34:11: RT @JillCorcoran: Don't qualify who someone best friend Sue walked into the reader who Sue is thru action/dialog/etc ...
- 11:43:08: Alright, Pie Experiment phase3 is set to engage. And I have an extra crust, so pie experiment phase 4 might get a head start...
- 17:33:09: I have had a long day. They tend to be long. I appreciate having a paycheck, yes, but I'm about ready to get my variety back #fb
- 17:33:47: @ seansheehan looks lovely to me
- 19:59:39: i like that #Chrome doesn't open a new window for downloads, but it throws me off every time that giant blue arrow drifts down the screen
- 22:15:37: For those who got to see page 174 count yourselves lucky. It's dead now. I'll make another one when I have any interest in it.
- 22:26:04: @ Tuckerscreator Three words: "Show not tell"
- 22:40:27: Something I love about reading books is drawing what the characters look like in my head. I've got a great pic of Aziraphale
- 22:54:00: I'm kind of over everything I'm doing right now in my life. The only thing I want to do is edit and sit comfortably and I can do neither.
- 22:54:22: @ carolmertz There was one of those in the Hitchiker's Guide movie
- 22:59:45: @ carolmertz that's a handy feature. Then everyone can feel the pain in my ass
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