TOW All The Clickies

Dec 13, 2006 20:47

So sorry Broody, someone else thought of it first! You could've been making millions all these years. There could've been public exhibits and shows, it would've been great! ;)

Make With the Clicky: One

* * * * *

Then, there's this:

Make With the Clicky: Two

Here, I like Man-on-Manatee, ManaTEEN, and Upskirt Manatee. Although, Mature Manatee is good too. Hell, it's just awesome.

* * * * *

And, to cap it all off, we end with this, from Maxim Online.

Reaching Your Full Potential

My life has been controlled by my new business venture over the past three years, during which time I've had about 12 to 15 partners. No one has expressed any complaints. That being said, I have noticed that my dick, Maurice Richard, hasn't been working as hard as he used to. What I mean is, I can't keep Maurice rock-hard at his natural eight inches, and have been getting some shrinkage to six inches. I have joined a gym and have begun to lose weight-about 15 lbs.-and now have more energy. Will losing weight help Maurice Richard, or should I begin to take those little pills to get the maximum effort out of him?

Believe it or not, people, you're looking at an EDITED version of this question from Canada, one that cuts out the paragraph teeming with third-person, penis-related hockey metaphors. Is this what happens when you live in up north? Are you legally required to work ice skating and allusions to your French heritage into every conversation, even those including your dick? If so, congratulations, sir-the prime minister or president or whateverthefuck of Canada will be giving you a medal.

But enough about your national honors. I don't know how old you and Maurice are, but it's not uncommon for men to get softer erections once they hit their 40s. (I know there are a lot of you freaking out right now, so I'll take a second to let that knowledge really sink in. There.) Also, stress can add to penis problems, so if your "new business venture" has given you anxiety-which almost all business ventures do-this could affect your ability to get fully hard.

So that's a bummer. But I'm nothing if not a bright-eyed optimist ("Give me lemons and I'll crush them into a child's eyes until he cries blood," as one of my friends says), so here's a silver lining: You're losing weight. Dropping a few is one of the best things most people can do, as studies have shown that losing even 10 pounds has benefits ranging from improved cardiovascular health to more restful sleep. Oh, and sex is better, because losing your fupa makes your penis more prominent. Furthermore, there are some who believe that excess fat-which stores estrogen, the female hormone-contributes to some not-so-manly developments, i.e. a mooshy Maurice. Less weight = less fat = less estrogen. Whee, math is fun!

And because I know some of you will write in about this: Every man has certain amounts of estrogen in his body. Having estrogen in your body does not make you gay. Naming your dick Maurice Richard, however, might.


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