Apr 24, 2006 00:52

Hey, all. Anyone want to write a 2000 word lab report for me? No? it's on Intelligence testing? Still no? *sighs* oh well... Hey Aussie Big Brother started tonight, and ooooooooh BB is really mean. I was wishing that the BB in hp_bb was as bad, lol.

Anyway, a lot of variety this week; different fandoms, different pairings - you should all enjoy these. A huge welcome to chaeldub who wrote 2 fics, and siriusmoonlite, and also emeraldjay. *waves and hugs*


Unashamedly one of mine. It was cute.

Late by jamie2109 H/D


Absolute End by chisox727 HP/DM
Marriage & Migraines by ladybahiya Harry/Draco short version
Marriage & Migraines by ladybahiya Harry/Draco long version
Don’t Touch my Hair by ginnyatheart Harry/Draco
Shells of Men ( II ) by physixxx H/D
Patience Version 1 by chaeldub Obi-Wan and Anakin (Star Wars)
Patience Version 2 by chaeldub Lucius, Voldemort and various DE
Can we go now? by siriusmoonlite marauders,R/S
Before the Party by emeraldjay Ron/Draco
Now by enchanted-jae H/D
Bruises by maddykitty Sam/Dean (Supernatural)
Illusion by sugareey H/D
Stirring The Fragments Draws Out Misery by firnsarnien H/D
You're My Only Fantasy by dm-p H/D
The People You Meet by nocturnali Sirius/Lucius


from nocturnali

"You're never going to find one who doesn't make you cry."


This is a weekly drabble challenge, posted each week Sunday midnight or thereabouts, my time(Australian time).
Open to anyone interested in writing.
Try to keep under 500 words, but not many do, it's all up to you.
Any fandom, genre, pairing or orig fic.
Post a link here for me so I don't miss your post.

Most important...have fun.

nocturnali and jamie2109
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