Title: At the Round Earth's Imagined Corners
Fandom: Life on Mars
Pairing: Sam/Gene, The Test Card Girl
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: You not see show, you not read fic
Words: 2,457
Disclaimer: Life on Mars belongs to Kudos and the BBC. Title and epigraph come of course from John Donne's Holy Sonnets VII and X, respectively.
A/N: For the 07' Life on
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Comments 38
Thanks for the kind words and thanks again for running the damn thing, I am forever in awe of people who have the passion to get these things off the ground and see them through - as well as the logistical capabilities to do both.
Love it, but brain is mashed. I'll comment properly when I can process again!
Thank you.
First off, I would like to say that when I found out who was writing for me, I squealed in delight. (Fi can testify to this one!)
Then the fic arrived and oh my. It’s wonderful. A beautiful lyrical quality to it that you can almost *sing*. The bitter/sour back-taste of ‘oh my Gods, this is just so wrong’ just perfectly sits with the vivid richness of the Sam/Gene interaction. Sam feeling so out-of-place, (like the prick should do) and the Test Card Girl. Oh my!
Then you manage to hit my lucid dreaming kink, which I’m pretty sure isn’t common knowledge and the ultimate horror moment, when you think it’s safe to breathe again after Sam has stirred the hornets nest. And the nest isn’t empty. *shudders* and it’s also a perfect explanation for why Sam jumped. Which I always appreciate!
Thank you so much for this, it’s fantastic.
I'm really truly thrilled that you enjoyed this, god knows I had no idea it would end up the way it did when I started out (not to mention in the middle, when it was breaking my brain with such impressive flourish).
Ooh, I've been obsessed fascinated by lucid dreaming for quite some time now. In fact I suspect it's one of the reasons LoM resonated so deeply with me. That idea of dreaming as... well, just the completely unexplored potential of it all as a tool that can be honed to understand ourselves that much better.
Thanks again for the prompts, I highly suspect I may even end up revisiting them at some point.
There is something hautingly beautiful about this, though I can't quite place it. Your description is truly wonderful: such a vivid and realistic portrayal of the sex in particular.
"Sour, sloppy kisses as they couple achingly, just this side of unbearable and Sam's close - so close - but he can't focus, everything is scattered and disconnected and fuzzy, his nerves coated in mercury and the harder he tries to rein them the faster they slip from his hands." - this was particularly brilliant.
I might have to read it again before I get my head around it properly, but this is a really great piece.
Anyway, excellent fic. Very thought-provoking. I'm glad I didn't have to write for Andy ;)
Tell me about it, I nearly had a heart attack when we got the assignments...
Thanks for taking the time and I'm glad you liked it (even if it gives off the impression of having been written by someone on acid).
I'm slightly disturbed by that comment - am I that contrary?!
Contrary? Not at all. Slightly disturbed? Possibly.
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