The Hell...

Feb 02, 2006 11:20

To whomever sent that ruddy owl:

Revenge will be mine!

My forehead hurts from trying to rub that damned ink off... And I'm quite certain the next person that giggles as I walk by is getting hexed. In a very unpleasant fashion. Stupid, bloody, annoying, idiotic prank!

In other news, I'm an idiot. Yes, I said it... I, James Harry Potter, am an idiot. Why do I say this? Because everytime I'm around Lily, I manage to act like a right arse. I don't know why this is... I'm usually so at ease around girls. Unless they're Bellatrix, but that's because she's absolutely nutters. Whenever I'm around Lily, though, I just... I don't know. It's like I have to act like a jerk because everyone and their mum thinks I'm head over heels in love with the girl. Which I am not, by the way! Absolutely, 100%, no way in the world am I in love with Lily Evans.

Though I do find myself staring at her whenever I'm around her. And she's actually quite funny, even though most of her more amusing jibes were directed at me. And there's a little bit of a prankster in her, I can tell. It's... endearing. There's a good word... endearing. And, well... she isn't bad to look at...

But I am not in love with her! I'm James Potter! I don't let a girl get to me like this! I mean... it's un-manly... or something like that...

...Why am I even wasting space in my journal about this? Why am I so hung up on the fact that I said something really mean to her the last time I saw her? Why do I care?!


The muffins, though, were quite enjoyable. A nice snack while I start my plotting...
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