
Dec 09, 2012 00:23

What did you do in 2012 that you'd never done before?
  • Started university - scary shit!
  • Discovered the wonder of video conversations (i.e. Skype).

    Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
  • I don't believe in resolutions and therefore never make any.

    Did anyone close to you give birth?
  • Nope, no one. An ex-colleague from Bosch but that's about it.

    Did anyone close to you die?
  • No.

    What countries did you visit?
  • England. (Liverpool, New Brighton/Wallasey, Chester and London.)
  • Denmark. (Wow, this list looks the same every year. :p)
  • Also took a staycation in Göteborg.

    What would you like to have in 2013 that you lacked in 2012?
  • Love. I feel ready for it now in a way that I never have before.

    What date from 2012 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
  • August 29 because I was accepted to Hope!
  • September 12 because I got to leave Burger King finally, finally, finally after watching everyone else coming and going for three (long) years.
  • September 21 because I got to move home (well, almost. L17 is not quite the same as L13).

    What was your biggest achievement of the year?
  • Quitting my job despite not having any form of confirmation whether or not I had been accepted to university.
  • Getting into uni.

    What was your biggest failure?
  • Well, apparently I was a shit manager (thanks, Alex, really) who never ever ever cleaned the restaurant and kitchen and etc, and that was not easy to hear.

    Did you suffer illness or injury?
  • May 6th I will NEVER forget. Horrible day of horrible food poisoning (chicken). Awful, awful, awful.
  • Spent about three weeks in October battling various colds as well, which was hard because I never seemed to get healthy. (Freshers' flu.)

    What was the best thing you bought?
  • Can't think of anything of particular importance that I have bought this year. Was thinking of getting a railcard, but that probably will not happen until January, to be honest.

    Whose behavior merited celebration?
  • Paige! My wonderful.
  • Helene also. She has been so, so, so great.
  • Sara & Kevin I supposed need to be mentioned as well, absolute stars.
  • & Richie! Haha, Richie. He's so lovely.

    Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
  • Everyone living in block K at the moment, especially my room mate. He is like a whirlwind. First day here I called him "trouble" and he really has proven that he is. Rarely is he quiet.

    Where did most of your money go?
  • H&M. For serious.
  • LFC. :)
  • Bus tickets, I feel right now. So Arriva, you're welcome.

    What did you get really, really, really excited about?
  • London, baby! Getting to see my wonderful and gorgeous Sofie for the first time in three months, and then we both end up being so incredibly sick that it's just ridiculous. (I went down to see her in October, but was originally supposed to go for four days in August but we had to cancel due to the fact that she had to come back to Sweden to attend a funeral. <3)
  • Moving back home. I feel so blessed and so happy and so lucky to finally be in the right place again, and it really does feel like this is where I am meant to be, and that nothing else really matters as long as I get to be here.

    What song will always remind you of 2012?
  • Medina - Kl. 10.
  • Loreen - Euphoria.
  • Rihanna & Eminem - Love the Way You Lie (part II).
  • Rebecca Ferguson - Nothing's Real But Love.
  • Timbuktu - Flickan & Kråkan.
  • Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe.

    Compared to this time last year, are you...
    happier or sadder? Happier! So much happier!
    thinner or fatter? But fatter because of all the Maccies.
    richer or poorer? And poorer because now I am no longer saving money - I am spending it.

    What do you wish you'd done more of?
  • Socialising.

    What do you wish you'd done less of?
  • Isolating myself/feeling sorry for myself. (Other people go through homesickness as well, I am sure.)

    How will you be spending New Years Eve?
  • Unsure... but definitely in Sweden. :)

    Did you fall in love in 2012?
  • No, but I'll tell you what, I have so many crushes. There is one boy especially, Jay. Want.

    How many one-night stands?
  • Zero.

    What was your favorite TV program?
  • Deal or No(el's) Deal.
  • 2 Broke Girls.
  • Stella.
  • Smash.
  • Arga Snickaren/Nybyggarna.
  • Mitt Liv är ett Skämt.
  • På Spåret, always.
  • And this years televised advent calendar - Mysteriet på Greveholm II.

    Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
  • Yes, because I did not know these people I live with last year. :)

    What was the best book you read?
  • Books... what are they?

    What was your greatest musical discovery?
  • Don't think I discovered anyone new this year, how depressing!

    What did you want and get?
  • University life.

    What was your favorite film of this year?
  • SKYFALL!!!!!!!
  • The Hobbit!

    What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
  • I was 24 and I spent it in my favourite place on Earth - my beloved Libpool. I know I sat in the hotel/awesome flat I had rented because it was raining 8 out of the 10 days I was in England, which was odd. A few days before I had been to Anfield to see us play (and lose to) West Brom, so all in all it was a good trip. :)

    What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
  • Not having to live with idiots/being allowed to sleep whenever I want.
  • If Alex and Roger hadn't been such major twats, that would also have helped.

    How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2012?
  • Um... not very good with the fashion but I have started to try more, to be fair.

    What kept you sane?
  • Sofie.
  • Rp:ing with Paige.
  • The thought of moving back home.
  • Football, even though we haven't been the greatest (results wise, I should say because we have played some great football).

    Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
  • STEVEN GERRARD. (Whom I will probably get to see on Thursday, should I be able to drag my sorry arse out of bed as early as 7 am.)
  • Daniel Craig, hello.
  • Kevin Nolan also does funny things to me.
  • And my new-found love for Vincent Kompany. :-/ Love an intelligent man with language skills.

    What political issue stirred you the most?
  • Idk, not much of a political issue per se but this recession is starting to do my head in/freak me out etc. Scary, is what it is. Especially now I have to take business classes and we talk about it in more detail and get more of an understanding of it as well.

    Who did you miss?
  • My family! I am so saddened right now and don't understand how I was thinking when I booked my ticket home for the 19th and not the 15th. Could have had four more days with them! (Then again hopefully it will be quiet around here as it sounds as if everyone else is going back home on the 14th or 15th, including roommate. \o/

    Who were the best new people you met?
  • Oh, oh! JBG.
  • James, omg.
  • Bryony is so cool I cannot deal. So cool.
  • And Jonathan.
  • And Vanessa!
  • Oh oh Alannah is so cuuuute all the time and smiley and just cute.

    Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2012:
  • Well, personally: do not go clubbing. You do not like it, you do not drink, you cannot dance and after five minutes in there you will not be able to hear a word. Don't do it.

    Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
  • I cannot, because I cannot. But a little one, then. Because it's been such a Hillsborough year.

    When Maggie Thatcher dies, when Maggie Thatcher dies...
    we're gonna have a party, we're gonna have a party.
    We're gonna have a party - when Maggie Thatcher dies.

    Maggie, Maggie, Maggie! Die, die, die!

    And to the same tune there is also when Suárez gets a pen. Which is very appropriate also. I love this football club.

  • meme

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