From what I read here, she wasn't joking, but she felt like an ass later when she got over her selfishness. That she felt like enough of an ass to backpedal... good sign.
i think you were right to call her on that. alot of people have responded like she did. yes, it's true, natural disasters occur all the time and yes, people lose their lives, houses, etc. i can only hope that the people like your friend are ignorant to the severity of this situation and not as selfish and apathetic as they seem. my heart hurts and goes out to all that were affected by this. If i had the means, i would load up and go help p/u people and get them out of there. also, people need to realize that this is not something that is going to go away or be fixed overnight/ in two weeks/ or even 2 mths. This is a new start for thousands of people who have lost everything! /rant
i don't know her, so it's kinda hard to form an opinion on what she meant, but maybe she was just venting. you know, getting it off her mind that she's completely frustrated by seeing 24/7 coverage of diaster that's totally overwhelming and makes it feel like nothing she could to do/donate/support is really going to matter. however, saying all that is a big mouth full, so maybe her way of expressing was just to be like "i wish they'd get this stuff off the tv" and the comment wasn't meant to be cold or political or anything else other than just some venting.
it's not that i don't care or understand what is happening along the gulf, but i've had to stop watching the news coverage, it started driving me nuts. does that make me a self serving douche or just someone who's overly sensistive to constant media coverage of something i can barely get my mind around?
I never said that if you don't want to watch the news coverage it makes you self serving douche, Tori. I don't watch the news coverage either. But I don't come to people bitching about it hogging my tv. I mean re-read how she worded it. Nothing she says comes off as a what you described, she doesn't want it on her tv because it's "boring" to her and "nothing new happens". Like Jen said, this isn't going to go away overnight. Like I pointed out, saying things like " I'll donate if them some money if they stop showing it on every channel" doesn't say to me that she is overly sensistive to the coverage, justed ticked that all this boring "hurricane shit" is in place of her favorite shows. It's like she is viewing the hurricane coverage as any other tv show and that's lame as hell. Yeah she was venting but it was more like " Oh fuck another telephon? I'm missing friends! I'll give them some money if they bring my shows back cuz i'm tired of seeing all this water on my tv constantly."
yep lame, hey jaimie why dont you quit wasting my time with talking about all this, i am trying to get back to watching you talk about other stuff, god have some consideration here, shit i will donate some money to you if you just get back to my regular programming. hehehe.
Comments 5
alot of people have responded like she did.
yes, it's true, natural disasters occur all the time and yes, people lose their lives, houses, etc.
i can only hope that the people like your friend are ignorant to the severity of this situation and not as selfish and apathetic as they seem.
my heart hurts and goes out to all that were affected by this. If i had the means, i would load up and go help p/u people and get them out of there.
also, people need to realize that this is not something that is going to go away or be fixed overnight/ in two weeks/ or even 2 mths. This is a new start for thousands of people who have lost everything!
it's not that i don't care or understand what is happening along the gulf, but i've had to stop watching the news coverage, it started driving me nuts. does that make me a self serving douche or just someone who's overly sensistive to constant media coverage of something i can barely get my mind around?
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