La la la. Today, I had lunch with a member of the trinity of evil. And I think I was surprisingly restrained, given the circumstances. Though if other people had not been there, I probably would have given him a taste of the sharp side of my tongue for being cruel to my Layla. Fuck what he did to me...but grrrr about what he did to her. Oh
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Comments 13
I'm a Gov/Politics major at University of Maryland in Europe.
What school do you go to?
Want to know the biggest difference between us though? You Democrat. Me Republican.
Can't wait to talk more!
I also agree with you that the current administration has abandoned some of it's original conservative ideals. I do stray on some of my fellow conservatives ideas however. I am very pro gay rights as I do not believe that to be a choice (ala abortion). I believe that someone is born with certain desires and such. How can we hate someone for the way they were born?
Don't worry to much on using your Bush icon. If all you do is use an icon then believe me your alot better than most friends I have. I actually lost friends through this election! News flash, I do not personally represent Mr. Bush so bitching constantly at me will not get policy changed. MLOL!
Yes I am an American going to school abroad. As I hope to work in foriegn diplomacy it was an opportunity I couldn't resist. I hope to work at a U.S. embassy somewhere. I'm just a Freshman so I have many years to go before hand though.
I could get started on my rant about how Bush isn't very conservative, but that's for another time and place.
Yeah, the State Department is something I am considering, as well. But my main priority right now is law school and doing my LSAT and all of that.
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