Wow that was long

Oct 03, 2007 16:48

1. What's your favorite animal? Manatees! Dolphins! Puppies!
2. Why? cute:-)
3. Have any pets? Kinda sorta. I have a Buffy dog back home, and then Wilk has two Degus.

4. Ever go bird watching? No.
5. Whale watching? No, but I went dolphin watching once
6. Ever go fishing? ew no
7. Are you a vegetarian/vegan? No.
8. Ever play Super Monkey Ball? No.
9. Do you watch anything on Animal Planet? YES!
10. Any bad experiences at a zoo? Nope. I heart the zoo

1. I love chocolate
2. I know all the words to "Beverly Hills"
3. I think "Lady and the Tramp" is the most romantic cartoon ever made
4. Summer vacation ends in August for me
5. My camera is the best thing I own
6. I have TiVo
7. I have/can fake a British accent
8. There are more than two bathrooms in my house
9. I can walk to my best friend's house in under five minutes
10. The flag on my mailbox is broken

1. What was the last movie you saw in a theater? Bourne Ultimatum with Tem
2. Rented? As Good as it Gets
3. Bought? Lord. I have no idea.
4. Out of those three, which was the best? None of the above?
5. What's your all-time favorite movie? I have no idea. Probably a Disney movie of some sort
6. Least favorite? Mr. Bean does something
7. If there was a remake of The Wizard of Oz, who would you choose to play Dorothy? Rachel McAdams
8. Speaking of which, do you believe it that whole "hanging munchkin" thing? Yep
9. Who was a better Willy Wonka; Gene Wilder or Johnny Depp? Gene Wilder.
10. What's the best snack to eat while watching movies? Smores

Depression & Sadness
1. Are you sad right now? Nope :)
2. Did anything upsetting happen this past week? I potentially broked my ankle?
3. Do you think you're depressed? In the past, I have been.
4. Do you listen to sad music? Sometimes
5. Have you cheered anyone up recently? i hope so
6. Has anyone cheered you up? Yes.
7. Has anyone close to you ever died? Yeah
8. Do you get upset when you hear child abuse stories on the news? is sad tho
9. Do you cry a lot? Depends how tired/drunk/recently I"ve taken my birth control pills
10. Do you watch sad movies/TV shows? Lifetime movies!

Everyday Routine
1. What time do you usually get up? 10:50 on TTH, 8:50 on MWF
2. Do you shower in the morning or at night? night
3. Do you floss? usually
4. Do you have a job? yes, 3
5. Name one person you see every day. Wilk, Mark, Jessica, Greg, Kendra
6. What song are you tired of hearing every friggen day? No idea.
8. What's one thing you have to do every day? Sleep
9. What do you wish you could do every day? Study
10. How do you like to relax at the end of the day? Lay in bed and watch TV

Food & Drink
1. What's your favorite breakfast? Crepes
2. Lunch? Tacos!
3. Dinner? Anything Italian with white sauce
4. Restaurant? Mongolian BBQ
5. Coca Cola, Pepsi, or Seltzer? Diet Coke.
6. Do you drink water? Yes
7. Can you drink alcohol legally? Of course.
8. If no, do you drink it anyway? ----
9. What's your favorite food to cook? Tapioca pudding!
10. Coffee or Tea? coffee

Gambling & Other Money-Type Issues
1. Ever been to Vegas? No.
2. Atlantic City? No.
3. Do you like the game Yahtzee? sure
4. Would you ever be on contestant on Wheel of Fortune? lol yea!
5. Isn't "Deal or No Deal" such a painful show to watch? Yes.
6. Are your grandparents gambling freaks? No.
7. Have you ever bought a lottery ticket? yes
8. How about one of those scratch off thingies? yea
9. Did you win anything? few bucks
10. Ever bet on horses or anything else of that nature? no

How's the Weather?
1. is it? 75* and sunny
2. When was the last thunderstorm you had? yesterday
3. Have you ever said "It's raining cats and dogs"? no
4. How about "It's raining buckets"? Yes
5. Don't you love when it snows? if im inside....or doing outdoor winter things
6. Do you prefer rainy or sunny days? Sunny...rainy are good tho too
7. Does it get really hot in the summer? Not often enough. This summer was pretty perfect
8. Do you mind wind? I guess not
9. Are you scared of thunder? No.
10. Do you like the song "It's Raining Men"? hell yes

Idiot Box
1. What's your favorite reality show? America's Next Top Model!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Cartoon? Family Guy.
3. Drama? NCIS
4. What's the stupidest show on TV right now? I Love New York
5. Do you watch sketch comedy (MadTV, SNL, etc.)? Not often
6. What channel is TBS where you live? I have no idea
7. Do you actually use the TV Guide Channel? Yep. I love watching it!
8. Do you watch music videos? On youtube sometimes
9. How about America's Funniest Videos? No.
10. Did you know that "Idiot Box" is also the title of a Spongebob episode? No.

Jumping for Joy!
1. Are you excited about something right now? That I have an amazing boyfriend, I'm doing decently in all of my classes, and I get to work on Saturday!
2. When was the last time you were really, really happy? Today
3. Hear any good news recently? Meh.
4. Fix any problems? Probably
5. Do you get hyper easily? No.
6. Does caffeine make you jittery? Not anymore. 5 hour energy shots do, though.
7. Do you get excited easily? Yep
8. Do you think hyperactive puppies are annoying? Nope. They're so cute!
9. How high can you jump? I have no idea. Long jump? 15'5.5" ;0)
10. Did you like jump rope as a little kid? Yep. and skip it

Kid Stuff
1. What was your favorite toy as a kid? Ninja Turtles
2. Were you a Disney Princess? Yes.
3. And how about those Disney animal movies? Absolutely
4. Did you watch Nick Jr.? YEp
5. Barney? yes
6. Sesame Street? Yes.
7. Do you have/want kids? Someday
8. Do you have any nieces or nephews? nope
9. Do you have any adult relatives who act like kids? Haha. My dad can.
10. Were you a Toys 'R' Us kid? Yes.

1. What color is your hair naturally? Brownish
2. Do you dye it? blonder highlights
3. What color are your eyes? hazel
4. Do you need glasses/contacts? yes
5. How about braces/retainers? No.
6. How tall are you? 5'1.5"
7. What's your shoe size? 5.5
8. How do you dress on a normal day? Jeans and shirt.
9. Do you wear a lot of make-up? Not anymore
10. Do you paint your nails? toes

1. Who's your favorite band/artist? Britney Spears!
2. What's your favorite song? Mercy on Me~ Christina Aguilera
3. Album? Back to Basics
4. Do you have an iPod/MP3? yes
5. Do you write song lyrics all over your notebooks? Not since I was like 12
6. Do you write your own songs? No.
7. Can you play a musical instrument? no
8. Have you ever started/been in a band? No.
9. Can you sing? Yes.
10. Do you watch American Idol? No.

1. Do you like your first name? yes
2. Middle name? YEp
3. What's the best name for a girl? Lily
4. Guy? I have no idea
5. How many letters are in your last name? 8
6. Where did the "Boy Meets World" creators come up with the name Topanga? It was from a hippie hangout in Cali (TOpanga, California). God I am a vat of useless knowledge
7. Are actors and actresses going overboard with unique baby names? ugh yes
8. Girls, when/if you get married are you going to keep your last name? nope
9. Do you know anyone who's legally changed their name? no
10. Do you have any nicknames? Yes.

1. Do you have a job? Yep. 3.
2. Where do you work? Coldwater coaching gymnastics, Catering banquets at Savarino's, and cleaning Missy's house
3. How long have you been working there? Um. August 2005, October 2005, July 2004
4. Is it a long commute? Coldwater is. It's about 50 miles roundtrip
5. Do you have a nice boss? yes
6. Nice co-workers? yes
7. So, what exactly do you do? Get kicked in the face a lot, serve a lot of coffee, clean a lot of stuff
8. Is this a career or just a job to support yourself? Both
9. What's your ideal job? Owning a gym or being a personal trainer
10. Do you know anyone with a really cool job? no
Pop Culture
1. Do you watch Best Week Ever? Nope
2. How about "The Fabulous Life of..."? Nope
3. Do you know much about celebrity culture today? Some
4. Or are you stuck in the past somewhere? Who isnt?
5. What celebrity is most over-rated? Paris Hilton
6. Under-rated? Mary-Kate Olsen
7. Who's your favorite female celebrity? Mary kate
8. Male? No idea.
9. Has anyone ever told you that you look like a celebrity? Yep. I got mary kate a couple of times
10. Do you know anyone who looks like a celebrity? no

1. What was your favorite book as a kid? The "Name books"
2. How about now? The TItans of Siren
3. Did you ever read the Black Lagoon series? No
4. Ramona Quimby? No
5. Junie B. Jones? no
6. Harry Potter? No.
7. What book should have never been made into a movie? Ummm... Romeo and Juliet with Leonardo DiCaprio
8. What book should be made into a movie? I have no idea.
9. Who's your favorite author? L. M. Montgomary
10. Is "Arthur" a better book or TV show? TV show

Sleeping Habits
1. What kind of bed do you have? In my dorm? Twin. Here? Double.
2. Mattress? Really comfy
3. Is it comfortable?
4. When do you usually go to sleep? 2/3ish?
5. Are you a heavy sleeper? no
6. What position do you sleep in? Fetal
7. How many pillows do you sleep on? 1...2 others
8. Did/do you sleep with a night light? No.
9. How about stuffed animals? Yes.
10. Do you sleep with your hair up or down? Down

This or That
1. Rock or Rap? Rock.
2. Spring or Fall? Spring
3. Black and White or Color? color
4. Cats or Dogs? Dogs
5. World History or Algebra/Math? Algebra
6. Bolding or X's?: BOLD
7. Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network? Nickelodeon.
8. '70s or '80s? 80's.
9. Monopoly or Clue? Monopoly.
10. Aerosmith or Bon Jovi? Bon Jovi

Under the Floorboards
1. Do you have a secret? Yes
2. Are you good at keeping secrets? I can be.
3. How about your friends? yea
4. Is your mom one of those gossipy housewives that tell everyone everything? Yep.
5. Does your family have secrets? Yep
6. Do you lie to people a lot to keep your secret safe? Sometimes
7. Are you keeping a secret right now? Yep
8. Do you have a good Poker face? nope
9. Have you ever planned a surprise party? yea
10. Did you lie on this section to keep a secret? No.

Video Games
1. Do you play video games (might wanna skip this section if you don't)? Sometimes
2. PlayStation, X-Box, or Nintendo? Playstation
3. Do you know what Pong is? Yep
4. How about Duck Hunt? Yep
5. Are you any good at Dance Dance Revolution? Surprisingly, no
6. Racing or Fighting games? Racing
7. Mario or Luigi? Mario.
8. Do you own any video games that are based on movies? Yep. Jurassic Park and such
9. What's the best video game ever? Guitar Hero!
10. Worst? No idea

Word Association
1. Car: Jack
2. Bunny: Rabbit.
3. Green: Kermit
4. Banana: in pajamas
5. Dance: Center Stage
6. Napoleon Dynamite: Celeste
7. Porn: Naked women bouncing up and down
8. Ambulance: House
9. Flower: Lily

X-rays and Other Medical Procedures
1. Do you know what hospital you were born in? Yep. I've been there many times
2. Ever break a bone? My nose
3. Ever needed a wheel chair? Yep
4. Do you have Scoliosis? Nope, but I have 4 rotated disks in my back
5. Have you ever had Mono? No.
6. Were/are you afraid of the dentist? Nope
7. Do you visit a chiropractor regularly? No.
8. Have you ever gotten x-rays of your teeth? Yes.
9. Do you still have your tonsils? Yes.
10. Did you get your wisdom teeth removed yet? yes

You're So Special!
1. Are you double jointed? No.
2. Do you have any other talents involving your body parts? I was a gymnast.
3. Can you do any impersonations? Not really
4. Can you sing? Yes.
5. Dance? yes
6. Do you type really fast? Yes.
7. Do you have perfect vision? Not at all
8. Do you have a good short-term memory? Not at all
9. Are you good with computers? Enough to get me around
10. What can you do really well? Not a lot

1. So, did you like the survey? It killed about a half hour of my life
2. What was your favorite letter? I have no idea
3. Did you skip over any because you didn't like the topic? no
4. Is 260 questions over-doing it? yes
5. Where'd you get this survey? Here.
6. Do you know them? Yes
7. Do you think the X-Ray thing was cheating? No.
8. How about Under the Floorboards? No.
9. How long did it take you to do this? About a half hour
10. Isn't this the crappiest ending ever? Kind of.


Takin it Back

This Survey is about growing up
Name: Kim
Age: 21
Where did you first go to school? Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Grade School
Your best friend in that school was? Cathy or Mia
Public or Private? Private
What was your favorite Cartoon? Sonic the Hedgehog
What did you want to be when you grew up? Gymnastics Owner
Did you go to camp? Gymnastics camp
What kind of neighborhood did you grow up in? Have you ever seen Weeds? It's kinda like that.
Were you a bad kid? My parents think so.
What did you do that was bad? Nothing, really.
Did your family move around a lot? No.
Have you beaten anyone up? No.
Who? --

Where did you go to Middle school and what grades were in your school? IC Preschool - 8
Did you get detention a lot? Once. For bending over to tie my shoe during a choir rehearsal
Did you get expelled? Nope. I got suspended once, though.
Who were your best friends? carla...danielle..amanda...christine....jen...nic...
Did you have any boyfriends/girlfriends? Not at IC
What was your favorite TV show? No time to watch TV. Mostly I just did gymnastics. All the time. And dance..
Who did you hang out with? My friends.....
Where did you hang out? Warren Gymnastics Center
When was your first kiss? 14 at the Christmas Dance freshman year
Who was it? Joe Russo
Did you ever run away from home? Yep
Did you ever smoke? Yep

Where did you go to high school? Marian
Did you get sent to the office a lot? No.
Who did you hang out with the most? Jenn and such
Did you lie to your parents a lot? Yep. Who didn't?
Did you sneak out of your house? No.
Where did you hang out? houses.
How old were you when you lost your virginity? 16
Did you regret it later? Yep
Is there someone you would have rather lost it to? Pretty much anybody.
Did you skip class a lot? Not in high school.
Did you smoke at school....if so, where? Yep. Outside in the parking lot.
Were you ever suspended? In Preschool
Were you ever expelled? No.
Who did you take to Junior Prom? Jeremy
Senior Prom? Chris Sands
Did you do drugs? no
If so how old were you?-----
What drugs? ---
What was your favorite class? Math
Ever tell off a teacher? No.
What is the worst thing a teacher had ever said to you? That I was a waste of space
Did you like gym? yes!!!
Did your school have a swimming pool? no
What were you labeled as? nothing
Who did you eat lunch with? lots of people
Did anyone make fun of you? Probably
Who did you date? Joe, Jeremy, Sands
Would you ever go back to do it over again? Yes
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