Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) If
spiteful_dead took over the world, who would suffer? non vikings/pirates
2) What is
eye_r0b0t's favorite movie? i'm going to assume someone dies in it, but other than that all i know is i'm going to steal dead alive from him
3) Where would
xfightxeveryone most like to visit? rochester, to chil with me. of course.
4) Does
be_the_change do drugs? your mom does drugs
5) Is
hereticsblood 1337? i'm assuming by 1337 you mean "Leet", cause you're gay. and i dont think so.
6) Does
thelastdropof__ travel a lot? fucked if i know
7) What video game does
godsstepson remind you of? there isn't a video game around that is half as entertainign as he can be
8) Would
all_mixd_up be a better ninja or pirate? ninja
9) How tall is
all_mixd_up? taller than me
10) Does
team_kill have a crush on
thelastdropof__? i highly doubt that
11) Has
spiteful_dead been to your house/dorm? nope
12) If
hateistwo were hanging off a cliff, what would
ticktockdead do? well since they don't knwo each other i dont know. but if it were me i'd look down her shirt.
13) What is
hereticsblood's biggest flaw? he's lame because he doesnt talk to me much anymore
14) If
ticktockdead and
dirtyhorrorpunk were siamese twins, where would they be joined? at the crotch
15) What would you do if you found out
godsstepson has a crush on you? squeal and giggle like a pig.
16) If
godsstepson had a superpower, what would it be? frightening
17) Have you ever dated
be_the_change? no
18) Have you flirted with
dirtyhorrorpunk? all the time
19) What is
rankin_nads's favorite game? makin' movies. . but that's not a game
20) Would you make out with
spiteful_dead? yep
21) Has
team_kill dyed their hair? probably
22) Would you ever date
aprilfool? sure
23) What would
eye_r0b0t give
hateistwo for his/her birthday? drunk
24) If
caffeinatedgoth and
rankin_nads were spliced together, what would it be like? it would be hilarious. they would become the greatest person eva.
25) Which president would
hereticsblood be likely to idolize? president of the mile high club