Title: The Child's Eye
janeausten4everRating: G
Warnings: Erm, prose? If that counts as a warning...
Spoilers: N/A
Character(s): Melody Pond
Word Count: ~250
A/N: Written for the
who_contest prompt "Forbidden." I imaged this as the colorful, chaotic mind of Melody as a child growing up on an alien planet.
Summary: Everything there will be beautiful.
i am a quilter )
Comments 6
I love more experimental fic, especially ones that cross the border between poetry/prose - there's isn't nearly enough of it - so i am always excited to see something like this, and even more happy when it delivers so gorgeously as this.
So many lovely lines in it, creating quite vivid images in my mind...LOVED IT.
I agree, I love to read people's out-there fic, like poetry and prose--it doesn't get nearly enough attention, I think, for how good it can be.
It means a lot that you liked this, as I really adore all your fic.
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