Title: Tutoring Dave Karofsky
Author: janekrahe
Pairing(s): Kurtofsky
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3814
Warnings: none
Spoilers: up till NBK
Summary: Sequel to
Of Snow and Coffee and Hermes Scarves. Kurt doesn't know who he is or what he wants.
A/N: So, the events of the first fic got jossed all to hell, so this is AU after the events of Never Been
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Comments 47
it was truly a joy to read and if you inclined to continue to write in this universe I will be more then happy to read ;)
And now there's a sequel!!! (crazy fangirl screaming of elation)
And it's NC-17 and hot and I love it!!!
Please write more soon and don't be afraid to send it to me for my opinion. It was fun :)
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